
Swimming Like Little Fish!

Morgan had her first swim lesson this week at ten months old! She is going to the same swim school that Riley goes to. I've mentioned before that I have a pool, and that is one of the BIG reasons I want my babies to know how to swim. Plus, being a kid that is "water safe" is important. What they teach the babies and toddlers to start is how to get their faces wet, and float. They put them on their backs, helping them, and even at Morgan's age, the teachers start counting so the little one's know eventually how long they have to float by the counting. That is what Morgan's teacher is doing above.

Justine went in the pool for Morgan's first lesson. Morgan actually was pretty good. Of course she screamed like all the rest of the babies and little kids do, but not really that much. The main focus that the swim school teaches, is this. If a kid accidentally falls into a pool fully clothed with shoes, they learn and KNOW how to get to the side of the pool! How do they do this, you may ask? They give them a survival test. I did NOT attend Riley's test that day. They have the little one stand by the edge fully clothed with their shoes on talking to their parents or something like that. Then someone from swim school walks by and kind of pushes them in! To this day, I think Riley still HATES the guy that pushed her in!! But, you know she passed the test with flying colors! I wanted to find some younger pictures of Riley at swim school, but couldn't find them on my computer. These were taken a little over a year ago with her instructor Brianna. I was "going" to take pictures today when I took her for her lesson. But, apparently Brianna had enough of the swim school owners, or "something" and had just gotten out of the pool and QUIT & LEFT right before Riley's lesson. As I was helping get Riley in her suit to swim, they let me know. Of course Riley wants no other teacher, she is a bit attached to Brianna. Unfortunately, life doesn't always work out the way we wish. So, she will have a brand new teacher next week! I really hope she likes this teacher in the beginning. Keep your fingers crossed. Let's hope Riley warms up to her fast!! Before I close, the moral to this post goes like this: "MAKE YOUR KIDS WATER SAFE"! It's that simple. Too many kids drown each year because they are NOT water safe!!


  1. Is that the cutest little pink bikini or what???????????

  2. I couldn't agree with you more. It's important to start them young.

  3. morning Sue, we started Brooklyn at 6 months at swim lessons because we saw how much he loved bath time. He took to it like a fish. He was the only little baby in his class and laughed the whole time he was in the water. Some where on my blog I have video of it. I am not a fan of the pushing in and learn to swim but every trainer is different. I just don't want to scare him since he loves the water sooo much. Your grand kids look like they are little fishies too!
    So adorable.

  4. Look at the little tadpoles! You are gonna have a busy summer in your pool with Morgan, Riley and Sally! :)

  5. So true Sue. Water safety is so important. My son was jumping off the diving board into the deep end at 2-1/2. My daughter wasn't that early, but he was just trying to keep up with his big sister.


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