
Owning It, Week Two

It's Friday, and I'm tired today. Lots of reasons, but most of them are good. My post last Friday was about "owning it", and I happy to say this past week, I DID own it! Out of the seven mornings on the treadmill, I only missed one. And with good reason. We were so incredibly busy this past Saturday, that I couldn't drag my butt out of bed the following morning, especially since I had to work that day as well. The rest of the week though, I jumped into that sassy outfit above and off to my garage I went. I won't say it's easy. I'm a Gemini, throw in the blonde and left handed thing, and I've got it all going on for me. I wake up early and I sit in bed and stare. The good Gemini tells me, "come on, get going, it will be worth it"! The bad Gemini says, "oh, its cold, the garage will be colder, there is always tomorrow". Somehow I managed to get through my week, only missing that one day. I always do over two miles, but my challenge is to eventually be able to do a 12 minute mile! I did, however, end my week by finally getting in two miles right under 31 minutes. Not record speed, but it is a start and means for me to get to my goal. I'm not giving up, and hope to be able to write one day that I can now do a 12 minute mile! The other day there was an article in the newspaper about Shay Sorrell, from the Biggest Loser. She lives out here in Newport Beach. The first time she was on the show, she weighted like 476 pounds, being the biggest contestant ever. She got down to 304, and she is competing again. Shay was mentioning in the article how little changes you make can really add up. For example, park far away from wherever you are going and walk. Take the stairs whenever you can, just stuff like that. The article also said that women who walk two hours a week can cut their risk of a stroke 30%. And women that walk fast or run can cut that risk to 37%! I did over twelve miles last week. I've got my vitamin packs, I'm eating better and as I mentioned last week, I'm owning this, even if it may kill me in the beginning! Have a great week-end and get moving!!


  1. you go girl...your doing great!

  2. Sue amor, I am loving this post! Along with you, I was also inspired by my dearest friend Dawn of the Feathered Nest...she just did an amazing post on accountability and even made a new blog to chart her progress and for everyone to support each other...she is off to an amazing start...she also inspired me to be accountable to myself too, I lost ALOT of weight years ago, and except for the same darn 1-20 lbs I have maintained that loss for over 10 years...the thing is..sugar is my downfall and I need to start putting me first, so that I can live my life and not have to be mad at myself all the time for those lbs...then I saw your post on exercising and I knew you were dead on about moving and feeling better, my hurting joints were reminding me of that fact everyday...so I have been exercising every day and not hurting as much and getting more rest, and not having sugar lol oy that has been the hardest part :) anyways I am sorry I have written a book lol but I wanted you to know how much your Owning It post had meant to me too :) Have a beautiful weekend, we are celebrating my mamas birthday today and we got her a chocolate mousse cake...ugh what a time to give up sugar lol Besos, Rose

  3. You are so right. A few years ago I was very dedicated and would go to the gym at least 5 times a week and somehow I strayed and now I need to start again. It seems like such a daunting task but I think we need to approach it one day at a time.

    P.S. In response to your comment on my blog, I am still digging into my family tree. The only details that I knew for sure were my parents birthdates. I knew where my father grew up and I THOUGHT I knew where my mother but I was wrong about her. It turned out we were baptized in the same church. I've already made it back to my great great grandfather in the mid 1800's on my dad's side. Very cool. You should check it out.

  4. I enjoy your creative posts and can certainly relate to this latest one. I'm fortunate to belong to a gym, have a good friend who pushes me to keep going, but I understand that struggle. Keep up the good work! I too am inspired by Shay from TBL - all of them actually. I'm not a skinny minnie, never will be, but I, at 50, am in better shape than I've ever been. And BellaRosa is right, it's the sugar that does us in - particularily when you like wine as I do!! Just keep moving, I say, it's all good.

  5. Whew! You wore me out just reading this! ;)

  6. You gooo girl !! You look awesome Sue .. You've always looked like a sister to your daughters .. NOT the Momma .. Keep it up my friend .. Have a good week-end at work ..
    it should be sooo busy with the car show, and all ... FUN ~
    hugs ~tea~ xo

  7. sue: good for you! keep it up. your body will love you for it.


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