
The Last of the "Texas" Stuff

I've been off for a few days. Bryce was ever so kind to take some pictures for me. John, as in Cottage White" just brought his stuff in that he picked up at the shows in Texas. I can't wait to go to work this morning to get a good look at some of the architectural stuff and outdoor chairs. Those are the things I love, and those are also the things I don't need. I already have too much of both! I'm always amazed at how piles of "stuff" in our back driveway behind the store can suddenly look so damn good once it gets "inside" the store. As I said, these are only a few of the pictures of what John brought back with him. I've been off for a few days, and I know very, very well that each and every day at Country Roads there is something new to be found!! Speaking of that, go check out Johnnye Merle's Garden blog! Some great heirloom tomatoe plants and more have just arrived! Check back tomorrow morning, I'll have some pictures of what's new and exciting at Country Roads!!


  1. well I am already drooling over some chairs I see and that mail cart. Oh, if I lived closer I would be in so much trouble!!
    Can't wait to see in person and more tomorrow

  2. you gotta love Texas...atleast I do...born and raised here...great finds..

  3. Thanks so much for visiting and commenting on my blog! Love the new "stuff"! And yes, I remember Sharon Osbourne's talk show. Complete with dogs.

  4. Great stuff! I can't decide which is my favorite!


  5. The LAST of the Texas stuff? Are you sure? No! When I get there, it will be the LAST of the Texas stuff! :)


Your words are always appreciated, thanks!