
Where Do The Children Play?

"Well I think it's fine, building jumbo planes.
Or taking a ride on a cosmic train.
Switch on summer from a slot machine.
Yes, get what you want to if you want, 'cause you can get anything.
I know we've come a long way,
We're changing day to day,
But tell me, where do the children play?
Well you roll on roads over fresh green grass.
For your lorry loads pumping petrol gas.
And you make them long, and you make them tough.
But they just go on and on, and it seems that you can't get off.
Oh, I know we've come a long way,
We're changing day to day,
But tell me, where do the children play?
Well you've cracked the sky, scrapers fill the air.
But will you keep on building higher
'til there's no more room up there?
Will you make us laugh, will you make us cry?
Will you tell us when to live, will you tell us when to die?
I know we've come a long way,
We're changing day to day,
But tell me, where do the children play"?
Cat Stevens wrote, "Where Do The Children Play" in 1970. And forty years later, do you ever wonder "where WILL the children play". I try to limit myself to not more than thirty minutes a day of news, can't handle it anymore. I listen to them talk about the huge oil slick and I wonder why? I listen to them talk about Arizona, and I again wonder why? And I try hard to remember Louis Armstrong's lyrics, "I think to myself what a wonderful world it is"! So, with that said, I will spend the rest of my day noticing the "wonderful things" in my world. The blue sky after the rain and wind, the flowers in my garden that Spring continues to bring me each year without out fail. And I know it is a "wonderful world" for me when my baby girls give Gramma a big hug. Take some time today to make a difference in our world, it needs it. Smile at a stranger, give a homeless person a couple of bucks, and appreciate the good things in your life today!


  1. it is easy to let the news of the world get you down...but I have found it is just as easy to see the beauty in the world...if you just look around...

  2. Oh Sue - I'm with you. The media loves beating every subject to death. With the power that they have, how nice would it be for them to at least balance the good with the bad. Thankfully we CAN turn it off.

    P.S. I don't know if you know Cindy (http://plantsomeroots. blogspot.com/) but starting tomorrow she is doing a monthly 'Count Your Blessings' on the first of each month. It thought it might be something that you would be interested in.

  3. Sue, great post. I know exactly how you feel and that's one of the reasons I try to focus only on the positive that is in my life. Believe me there is a lot of negative and the blog world helps to keep me focused on the good.

    You are doing your part and let's hope if we all do a little we can collectively accomplish a lot.

    We are in a different world these days, and sometimes it seems hopeless, but there is so much good out there too. The media love to focus on the bad.

    Love your grandkids.

  4. I LOVE your suggestions on things to do today! If everybody made it a goal to do three nice things for others every day, wouldn't it be a wonderful world? I am a huge believer in helping others...never know when you might need that helping hand either!

  5. Hi Sue,
    Uuugghhh .. television .. who needs it ?! Tha's why I walk thru your store all the time, it takes me back to sweeter times .. and, than, when I find a must have treasure, EvEn better !! you are the BeSt !! Loving the babies too .. you are blessed my friend .. they are such dolls .. Have a happy week-end Sue ~
    hugs ~tanza~

  6. I think Morgan's ears are growing faster than her...


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