
Our Gardens Are Lookin' Good!

Usually we don't get a lot of rain in Southern CA, and we have needed it for the past few years. I believe this year we have made up for the lack of it. But I have to say, since we've had so much rain, we're having a beautiful Spring. Everything at Johnnye Merle's Gardens (named after my Mom), is in full bloom. Our flower beds are overflowing with color, so any chance I get, I try to sneak away from the counter and head to the garden. These pictures are of an area in the garden that has just been added. I LOVE all the garden elements out here and I thought I would share a few of them today!

For some reason, I LOVE the cement head that has been knocked off its shoulders and just lies there waiting for better days. I must say, that should be our "poster child" for "BSC" Sundays! That is exactly how you feel. And a special thanks to John for putting together such an awesome looking area in our gardens! It looks fabulous!


  1. Just pack it all up - well maybe not all the buckets - a have a lot -but everyting else will work in my yard. What's my total please? What!!!! To ship to Maryland!!! Well, I can look, enjoy and dream. Perect displays and wonderful items! Jennifer jennsthreegraces

  2. This would be a perfect "White Wednesday" post!

  3. I have that same I don't know what it is called but they used to have it as posts on front porches...its at the top of one of your photos...I've been trying to figure out what I could do with it...and seeing yours just gave me an idea...hang it long ways..it doesn't have to be a post...Woo Hoo... thank you...

  4. Sue
    I actually got to see these displays in person yesterday hubs brought me to CR. BEAUTIFUL, simply is an understatement. I am looking forward to the summer and the the fun Gracie & hubs will have in your gardens:) Thanks for the sweet note, you rock. See you soon.


  5. I love that you have a garden shop as a part of your shop. So perfect.

  6. Fun digging there! How much is the head and also to ship to San Diego?

  7. I had the pleasure to visit the gardens today and Sue is not lying, people! Come over to Country Roads, you can't miss it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. You have the best dealers in the world! Love it!


Your words are always appreciated, thanks!