
Happy May Day!

Hey everyone, happy May day! Did I say the word "May"? This whole thing with time is freaking me out lately. Seems like I just turned the calendar a few days ago to April! Next month my little Morgan will be one. Not sure how that happened but she is at fun age. Then the month after that in July, my brand new little grandson will be born, and then in August, the "leader of the pack" Riley will turn four years old. If anyone can figure out how to slow down time, could you let me know? I wanted to take just a minute to thank all of our Country Roads customers. Seriously I say this a lot, but they are the best, maybe with the exception of our Sunday "BSC" customers, but at least they are interesting as they torture us! We had a great April, and I'm hoping for the same this month. Myself and my Country Roads family are working very hard to continue to give everyone some over the top displays along with great prices! I'm running a little late this morning, so I don't have a lot of awesome pictures of the store to share. But I will tomorrow. I'm off for a couple of days or so, and when I come in on Saturdays, everything is different! And speaking of "running a little late", I'm still "owning it" in week four. It's really cool when you set personal goals for yourself. Now I'm able to run three miles in the mornings!! Every time I wake up, I try to talk myself out of it. But, I continue to drag my butt out into the little storage room in the garage, crank up my music, and put some mileage on my shoes and old body! Like I mentioned above, I've got grandbabies and this Gramma isn't going to sit in a rocking chair and "watch" them play! I will BE a part of their everyday lives! Hope you all have a nice week-end, the sun is shining and if you live near "the store" hope to see you this week-end. Happy May Day!!


  1. Great pic's of the May day festivites. I wonder why they dont pratice it anymore.. Have a good day...Julian

  2. Those are awesome vintage photos! I always wanted to do the May Pole ritual! Wonder what happened to that celebration? Hope you had a great day!


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