
A "Nice" Sunday!

Yesterday was a really nice Spring day at Country Roads. It was SO nice, we really didn't experience too many of our "BSC" Sunday customers! What a difference "that" makes in a day!! I had some time to go out back to our Johnnye Merle Gardens and enjoy Spring. Here are a few random photos of what I enjoyed.

I will probably have some more photos on Wednesday for my "White Wednesday" post. John, from Cottage White, has expanded to the garden and it is looking good, check back then. I LOVE when kids learn the value and importance of antiques, vintage and recycling. This is Carrie and she has a million dollar smile! Her and her mom came up to the counter to ask for help on the sales floor. Apparently Carrie had finally found the desk that she had been looking for a long time. She was so excited. As I turned to call someone up front to help, she turned and gave her mom a big hug. It was priceless, made my whole day.
As many of you know, many of our customers become like our family. Several months ago, I knew that the Morgan's sister was fighting cancer, and it didn't look good. Sadly, at 42, Lauren lost the fight, leaving two 19 year old twin boys behind. I tried to put the link to a wonderful "utube" video but couldn't figure out how to add it. Please, when you have time, go to utube and watch, "Thanks for Rockin Our World, Lauren". I hope they know that my entire Country Roads family has them in our thoughts and prayers. I hope you get a chance to watch this video, it a great way to remember Lauren. Take a moment today to be thankful for those in your life as time is very, very precious. Take care.


  1. Okay, all of these blogs posting wonderful pics of beautiful gardens I have to take the plunge. I am not a garden person but love the look. I kill everything with my anti green thumbs. I am determined to get my balcony garden up to speed this week. It may kill my allergies but it just looks to pretty not to do it

  2. She really has a wonderful smile! I was waiting for another crazy customer story...but luckily for you, it didn't happen! Have a great week!

  3. love the photo with the chair and ladder and flowers...

  4. Lovely post to look at and read. I am so sorry for Lauren's family and I'll be sure and watch the video. Time is precious and so is that young lady thanking her mother.

  5. A BSC Customer? I'm dying to know what this is! LOL...

  6. Thanks for the explanation! I can see why you'd use an abbreviation in case your customers read your blog. LOL . Have a great week!

  7. So glad you had a nice Sunday and the garden area is looking fabulous. Can't wait to see more.

    So sad to hear of someone losing their life at such a young age. My thoughts and prayers go out to her boys and family.

    Take care,


  8. I wonder if, as a result of the blog, your Sundays are becoming more populated by people who give BSC customers the stink-eye when they act up. I feel some of us should show up for that purpose alone. Who wants next week's shift?

  9. A wonderful garden to escape to! You would find me hiding in there quiet often!

  10. What a beautiful garden. Thank you for posting.


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