
The "Back Room"

Last Monday, Bryce had emptied the the big room in back of the middle building. Most of it was filled with his stuff, and a few things of mine were back there. It has been a total disaster, since there never seems to be time for him to work on it. The photo above is how the room looked emptied and part of the floor painted last Monday. The photo below is of the room today along with a few other pictures of things in the "back room"!

This is only the beginning, the problem, as always, is "time". I have a bunch of stuff from my house I need to drag into the store, price and display. Give us another week and see what we've done. Hopefully, we will have it in better shape by then.


  1. I fell in love with that back room
    Half of what is on my wishlist is/was in that room. I love how it felt like a salvage area, I love the dig!

  2. Some good stuff in that back room! I'll back my rental truck up to the back door and clear some of that out for you! Can't wait to see the final display!


Your words are always appreciated, thanks!