

I use to have this on going joke that after I divorced, the next house I would buy would have to be big enough so all my kids could live there if they needed to. And actually, a couple of years ago that DID happen! It was a little intense with six adults and one toddler, but we survived. The main reason I bought this house was because of the room above, it is really big with an open beam ceiling. Now, my son Bryce and his wife Justine and their baby Morgan live with me. Not too long ago, I gave them the little playroom I had for Riley & Morgan. The toys, tables, books had to go someplace so I resorted to trying to "camouflage" it all. Above is my family room and if you don't look too close you really can't see the toys. And if you are looking close, the two blue picture frame look the same because I haven't added the photos yet! I bought this cabinet last week. I think I am the fourth person at Country Roads to have it. But, being the fourth means I got it super cheap. It has great storage below, and I took off the screen doors for the kids books and my little vintage kids collections. So, until the cupboard is filled with books, I put "my stuff" up high from little hands. I love the old bears, especially the ones that are falling apart. They've been loved, as you can tell. I've always loved the old vintage toys, especially the drums. The memories of little kids in past banging on them warm my heart and thankfully not my "ears" as well. I also love the old stieff cats and and a few of those as well. Below, you will see how I've semi camouflaged the rest of the kids toys!

And "behind" again!
The furniture in my house is easy to have with little ones. I don't have to worry about saying over and over, "don't touch", as there isn't too much they can get into. Or should I say get into "yet"? Even though I do have a lot of antiques and vintage things, I use many of them each day. I don't want to live in a museum where people aren't comfortable, especially "my girls", Riley and Morgan!


  1. So familiar.
    Before I had Brooklyn everyone of my friends were too scared to bring their children to my house because of my treasures. But in my house it is all distressed, and nothing can really be broken or destroyed, I say it will only add to that distressed look that I love. So go ahead a feel at home. I agree no fun if you can't sit on things or touch. I grew up in a house like that, maybe that is why I am so in love with the distressed look.

  2. What's not to love! A perfect system!

    I love old toys too. I always seek them out but they are few and far between.

  3. Love old Stieff and love your tricks of the trade! I never put things (unless they were irreplaceable) out of the way with my kids when they were growing up and I still don't with the girls. They have to learn, right?

  4. The girls are such an important part of your life, so I am happy to see that you have incorporated their things into your home! However, I have one piece of advice...when that little boy gets here, hide everything...under lock and key! :)

  5. I never put the things away just because of the kids. If you teach them, they learn to enjoy their surrounding while being careful. What a nice, big room!

  6. Amen!I can't stand when 'things' seem more valuable than people.Your house looks very home-y.I can't think of a higher compliment:)

  7. Very clever ways to camouflage, you have managed to blend those acid colored, plastic toys into the decor and yet they are accessible for playtime! Very livable room, indeed.

  8. Hi Sue! I luv your collection of antique teddys! I have a soft spot for collecting them also. I like them when they are worn becuase to me it tells me how much it was loved by the child who had it before I did. Have a great day...Julian


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