
It's ALL About Display!

Many of you know that every time my Country Roads family visits Texas for the shows, I SO much want to go. But being a single woman and all, some of us have to work. Who knows, maybe if I go I could meet myself I fine young cowboy, and make my Mom and her Texas roots proud!! Anyway, at the last show, Lisa (of Tim & Lisa) went to
Blog Party, and brought me back some of the little things above. I thought it was so thoughtful of her to remember me that way, thanks Lisa! There are a couple of other reasons I would like to go. I want some time to hang out with my buddy, Malisa who has promised to cart my butt around the big state of Texas and show me some of Mom's roots. I also want to sit a spell with Debbie ! She has a heart as big as the state of Texas. I'm always amazed at how kind she is to everyone! The displays by Tot really caught my eye. Her displays are amazing, and I'm always drawn to them. See what I mean? I hope you have a chance to stop by her blog and just be blown away by her amazing talent! I have a feeling once you visit Tot's blog you will be going back quite often!


  1. Very cool indeed! Happy I stopped by! Jennifer jennsthreegraces

  2. Such sweet treasures for you Sue !! I think I NEED to visit Texas as well !! Great finds there as well .. just what I need !! To see more THINGS to want !! yikes .. Happy day to you .. A pErFeCt California Dreamin' day too ~
    hugs ~tanza~

  3. You called me Malisa! I almost didn't recognize my own name! :) I didn't know that all it is gonna take is to find a cowboy! No problem! Of course, that cowboy is gonna take you out for a BIG STEAK and some CALF FRIES...so I know it is gonna be love at fist sight! :) Now get busy and pack! Hurry down!


  4. Don't kid yourself Sue. I'm only kind to those who are kind. As for my heart...it takes one to know one!

  5. Sue amor, what sweet gifts and reminders of Texas :) I think at this moment everyone in blogland wants to go to Texas :) I know there are a bunch of wonderful people there I am wanting to meet myself :) I love TOT's blog, it is beautiful and she has wonderful taste and gorgeous ideas :) Have a beautiful weekend! Besos, Rose

    ps...I am so wishing to visit your garden place at Cross Roads, I can just imagine all the beautiful lil creatures to be seen there :) I am so glad you like our lil Lola, although to be honest when she is fluffy like she is now and truly looking like a lil Pudge, I so like her better neki lol


Your words are always appreciated, thanks!