
White Wednesday: Courtesy of Texas!

This "White Wednesday" I've got some great photos for you. A few members of my Country Roads family recently went to the shows in Texas. And while some of them, along with another store down here in Old Towne Orange, are waiting for the cargo truck to bring home their stuff, Tim & Lisa are already busy "selling" their stuff!! Tim drove to Texas with his cargo van and trailer. And when the shows were over, he booked it back to CA. That awesome country primitive, chippy white painted cupboard pictured above just SOLD this past Easter Sunday! Here are a few more photos of great fresh new product that is now at Country Roads just waiting for you!!

Believe me, all of the stuff above is truly amazing.! The pictures above don't say enough. And as many of you already know, if you see something you can't live without, you can just call Country Roads and pay for it over the phone with a credit card! We will put it in storage until you are able to come pick it up. And "thank you" to the world famous "Kathleen" for hosting "White Wednesday"! Hope all of you are enjoying Spring!


  1. Okay, I am calling in with my credit card and will be ordering something very big so that you have to deliver it! Sorry, it must be you! :)

  2. We are lucky to walk among the beauty at Country Roads. Great photos Sue as always. Amazing what you can do with your little Demo camera :) Hope that you enjoy your days off.

    See you soon

  3. Hi Sue, thanks for stopping by my blog today, It is so good to know that I can contact you to buy things over the phone, I was just wondering if you did that-strange.
    My husband will be thrilled that I can shop virtually now. HA HA
    I hope to be back in June for another shopping trip. It is a small world especially in blogland.
    The store looks fantastic, so many things to choose from.

  4. Your whites a simply beautiful. I am looking for some pillers.

    come visit

  5. absolutely charming! Those images are just full of yummy! Hope to see you back at my place. I have become a follower and hope that you will do the same. until later...

  6. How pretty. I love the cabinets with all the drawers. Wish I lived closer!

    I saw the photo on your sidebar of Rachel Ashwell. My oldest daughter worked at the Shabby Chic's in the SF area after graduating college (until they closed). You would love her cottage. She's been to LA twice since the new stores opened to shop and visit coworkers/friends.

    I hope you'll drop by AtticMag this week for our Giveaway!


  7. Following you on FB now, can't find you on Twitter. Drop by AtticMag and let me know your Twitter name - the photo/link on your site just takes me to the main Twitter page, even when I'm signed in. TIA

  8. Oh my! What amazing photos! I swear I could not contain myself surrounded by all of that goodness! Everyone would see all of the crazy hand clapping, happy dancing and loud squealing come out of me! Thanks for sharing, Happy WW...Theresa

  9. Oh What Wonderful Treasures, I want the 2 drawered pieces (that's not even a word- but I want them anyway)
    Have a Wonderful week, be back soon


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