
I Did It!!

Last night when I was getting ready to crawl in bed, I saw one of Riley's favorite teddy bears (the one I fixed his arm up with duct tape) on my bed. We had put the rest of her stuffed animals in the part of the family room where all her and Morgan's toys are. She told me she wanted me to sleep with the teddy bear. It kind of touched my heart that Riley did that.At the end of last year, I had promised myself I would get back on my treadmill like I use to a very long time ago. I always had an excuse not to. So, finally this morning, "I did it", a phrase Riley uses often. I set up alarm for 5:30am, and it took awhile for me to wake up. I had laid out my "treadmill clothes" last night across from my bed. That way I was convinced I wouldn't talk myself out of it! And I didn't, and feel so much better for starting day one! As we all know, day one is the hardest! I've always had my treadmill in the garage. Now it is in this little storage room of mine in the garage. Why, well that would be an entirely different blog post, but let me just say it has to do with "my boy Bryce"! It took me a few minutes to have a clear path so I could get situated and actually use the treadmill. I do need to do some serious cleaning out there later today. Once I did, and once I got going, it felt SO good, a feeling I haven't had in a very long time. It's funny how your body just remembers you can still run!! When I use to actually USE my treadmill in a different part of the garage, I had a sign that said, "fat sucks" and a picture of Riley for motivation. I haven't gotten my pictures up yet, but it was interesting that I was starring at Rachel Ashwell's book signing poster I had kept while on the treadmill. Rachel is not only tall, but she is skinny! As I'm walking and running this morning, and starring at her, you all know what you want to say, what a skinny "b*tch", although Rachel is very sweet. I'm sure some of you know what I mean!! I want to be in shape to continue to keep up with my grandkids. By the way, giving a three year old a dust buster or whatever they are called, is the best toy ever! As they play, they also clean your house!! When Riley says, "come on Gramma, let's jump", I'm thankful that I still can. But I have known for a very long time the importance of exercise, and kind of have blown it off with a million excuses. I watch Morgan as she plays and starts to crawl. And I know in the very near future, she will be "running" after Riley and I want to be ready. My mom was always in poor health. She never took very good care of herself, and although she loved my kids with all her heart, she would "sit" in her chair outside as they played, just "watching" while she smoked. And sadly she died only four days after Riley as born. She never even got the chance to hold her! I want so much more for myself when it comes to my babies! I've got another baby on the way, this time a boy! God help me, a boy! Brande and I were laughing the other day. I was telling her when the lease is up on my car, that I think I will get another SUV, telling her that you know I am going to have grandkids. I meant, I needed more room for carseats, strollers, etc. She reminded me, "you DO have grandkids"! I've always been a person that has never wanted to "watch" life pass me by. I want to play an active part in the lives of my kids and my grandkids. So, thanks Riley, Gramma "did it", and I'll do it again tomorrow! I may be sore for a few days, but I KNOW the end result is always worth it!! I did this post for myself, meaning I needed to OWN this! It is a reminder to me to continue to do what I did this morning. I'm a Gramma now, and I intend to be the best damn Gramma around!!


  1. Congratulations Sue! It's all about the first step. Maybe I can use you as inspiration to do the same.

  2. Sue amor, as my dad used to say..."You done did it!" Congrats you ROCK amor, now, what were us listening to whole running, I prefer ACDC or other classic rock...believe it or not gives me that extra GO when I want to stop lol You have inspired me to clean up my laundry room so I can bring my own treadmill outta storage...I used to walk 5 miles a day and used to feel amazing! Now my bones hurt and it takes me a while to get up and get going in the morning..hmmm maybe the walking will help with that again :) I am 42, but know that the aches are only going to get worse if I don't get up & MOVE, my Ita was 93 when she died, and she had more get up and go than I did :) sad...but you have inspired me to work on it! :) Besos, Rose

  3. you go girl....grandkids are a great inspiration....

  4. Precious photo of Morgan! She is growing up so fast! I am so glad that you called Rachel Ashwell a "skinny b*tch", because that is what I was gonna call you today! Now I don't feel so bad! Whew! Congrats and thanks for making me feel like a big, useless lump of clay. :)

  5. That makes me tired just looking at your excercise bike .. You go girl !! The babies adorable as always, and, Sue, how sweet is that to sleep with Mr. Bear !!! That beats any man ... hahaha .. I bet he didn't EvEn talk back .. You have a happy week-end, and don't work to hard ~
    hugs ~tanza~

  6. Run, Sue, run!!!

    You'll need to be in great shape to be pushing strollers and keep carrying babies!!!

    Run, Sue, run!!!

  7. You are awesome! To realize how much your kids and grandkids need you to be healthy (our parent's generation just didn't think that way)--that is what keeps me moving, but it becomes hard when we work so many hours, and become exhausted without getting any real exercise. Exercising has become a brain drug that I can't live without now! I love reading your posts!!! I'm definitely gonna get my Kayla a dustbuster!!!

  8. It's hard!!! I have been trying to go for a walk for a couple of years now...there is always an excuse and work comes first. Well life is to short, I will read your post again and try to follow your suggestions. Thank you cia Rita


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