
White Wednesday

This "White Wednesday" finds me wiped out. The store, or as other know it, Country Roads, has kicked my butt the past few weeks. But, hey, I'm not complaining, I LOVE all the business we get and the people we get to meet! I've done many posts on Tim, one of our very talented members of our Country Roads family! He spent some time building this custom bench for one of his customers. This is entire bench was made from vintage salvage wood and architectural pieces. I saw Tim's sketch of what he was planning on doing, but seeing the picture of the finished project just blew me away! Look at all the detail involved in the work of art! I know how Tim personally had "fun" purchasing some of the architectural elements from a guy that isn't the coolest person around. But when it comes to detail, design, and creativity, well, I think the pictures speak for themselves. The ONLY thing I don't care for is that this bench is sitting at MY house. Of course I would like to make sure you go visit the awesome & sweet Kathleen! How do I "know" Kathleen is awesome and sweet? I was happy to have her visit me at Country Roads this past Saturday. Her family was down from Oregon visiting Disneyland and since Country Roads is only ten minutes away from the big D, she stopped by. It was really a great visit and before I could get away from the counter, she had already figured out where Marcela and Kate (who happen to be at the store and meet Kathleen too) who participate in "White Wednesday" were located at Country Roads. I was just bummed that I didn't get a chance to visit longer or take pictures. But please know Kathleen, it truly was a pleasure to meet you!


  1. That is one awesome bench! And one talented guy...to have envisioned it and then built it!
    Isn't Kathleen the sweetest?!

  2. that is a beautiful piece...great for white wednesday...I have'nt met any of my blogger buddies yet...so nice that you got to meet one...

  3. That bench is gorgeous! Wow! Coming over from Faded Charm and now a new follower! I can't believe I hadn't found you sooner! I'm already hooked...

  4. How nice to meet Kathleen! I'm glad she had time for some awesome antiquing.

    Love the bench!

  5. That is awesome! I saw it and I wanted one. I didn't even know I wanted one till I saw yours!;)
    Come by my blog to win Rachael Ray bake ware.

  6. Hi Sue,
    I saw Tim's sketches as well and you are right unbelievable craftmanship! He is such a talent! Hope that you are getting lost of R&R while you are away. What a blessing for me to be part of such an awesome family at Country Roads.


  7. What a beautiful bench. The chippy white paint is wonderful.


  8. I saw the pics on Kathleen's blog. What a beautiful place. I have family in Cali and the next time I am there I will have to stop by. I think my Mother in law would love it so I will have to take her with me.


  9. I truly enjoyed meeting you also, Sue. Your store is just amazing and even though it is hard work, at least you are surrounded by beauty.

    This bench is awesome! Hope you are enjoying your warm weather. It was quite the shock to come home to the cold rain.

    Take care,


  10. Great bench. Tim's talented, all right!


Your words are always appreciated, thanks!