
When Someone Asks For Help

This is a picture of my friend, Malisa, who actually when we first became friends, I always thought the way her name was spelled it was pronounced, Malaysia! Then she explained to me that it is how they spell "Melissa" in Texas! Anyway, many of you know her for her mouth, her wicked sense of humor, her Texas football, her politics, and her big ole heart! I had emailed her a couple of times yesterday. I usually here from her almost each day, or I read her blog post, or we chat on Facebook. I was a bit worried, because I knew on Tuesday Lurch (as she calls her husband Larry) had gone to the doctors. He took a pretty bad fall at the hospital that day, and they took him into ER, and on their way back home, they had stopped somewhere and he fell again! I knew Malaysia was worried. Look how cute the "mouth that roared" looks in that picture above. Well, now she has asked me to do a post for all of you today to let you know what's going on. Sorry it's taken me so long, but I wanted to do a good one for my friend. Yesterday morning at 9am, an ambulance took Larry to the hospital. His heart beat was only 30 beats per minute, and last night they transferred him to Houston and he was in CCU. I haven't heard from Malyasia since. I have to admit, I'm worried. You know what I love about Malaysia? It's that she has this wicked sense of humor, and a heart as big as the state of Texas! And I know how in love she is with this big guy she calls Lurch. Not everyone has that kind of love affair. This is her second husband, you know Malaysia the big player and all she is! Just kidding of course, but they have been together for the past 22 years. And Lurch stepped in and helped her raise her boys, Evan and Eric. Lurch became a grandpa as well to his little Madi, pictured above. He's a grandpa to "my boy Tango" who looks so innocent in this picture, doesn't he? I call Tango, "my boy Tango" because he reminds me so much of "my boy Bryce" at that age. And Lurch is also a grandpa to little Cash, who is just five months old. The same day Lurch had the fall, little Cash was also very sick. So, needless to say, my buddy, my friend Malaysia has a lot on her plate right now.Look at how cute her son Evan looks with his babies. They all need Lurch to be okay!When she asks for me to do a post, I know she is asking for your prayers, for your good karma, for your positive thoughts and everything else you utilize to make the bad turn into good! Malaysia always rallies up the "blogging troops" when someone needs help. She gave me some big shoes to fill this morning, so I'm hoping I did her right with this post! I'll keep ya'll (did I spell that right) posted on Larry's condition as soon as I find out out anything!

*I heard from Malaysia a couple of hours. Larry is doing better, they've gotten his heart rate up. They are going to keep in the hospital a couple of more days so they can decide what to do! Malaysia thinks maybe a pacemaker. Thank you all for your nice words, prayers and support. Take care!!


  1. Hi Sue, Malisa and Lurch and all the family will be in my prayers, Thanks for passing the word along.

  2. Sue,
    Malisa is a sweetheart and I will be praying for Lurch and all of them as well. Thank you for sharing this post with us.

    Have a wonderful day

  3. Aaaahhhh .. sweet words for your friend Sue .. please let her know she is in many prayers .. God is good my friend, and we pray for a speedy recovery .. And you, Sue, have a wonderful day ..We are all pulling for Malisa's family ..
    xo ~tanza~

  4. Prayers are with Malisa and her family.

  5. Dern it, I hate that Lurch is having such a tough time of it. I was hoping his surgery would be a cure-all. My love to Malisa/Malaysia and her wonderful fella and family.

    P.S. Good post, Sue. You're a good friend!

  6. Oh - thank you for updating... I too was worried when she was so quiet!!! My prayers are being prayed just as fast as I can get them out!!!

    Thank You again - I'll keep checking back with you!!!

    ;-) Robelyn

  7. praying faster than my lips can move!!!

  8. I just have a feeling that every thing will be all right. Sending positive thoughts and heartfelt prayer for sweet Lurch and the entire family.

    Stay strong.

  9. Wish them all well...will keep them in my prayers...

  10. ;d so sweet!
    God bless

  11. i don't know lurch and family but i hope all goes well for them.

  12. Great Job on filling them shoes!!!
    In my thoughts & prayers!!!

  13. Sue, thank you so much for posting this. I keep them all in my prayers, but it always helps me in praying when I know exactly what to pray for. Please let us know if there are any changes.
    P.S. This was a perfect post to "introduce" our rogue friend to those who don't know her. You described her to a T.


Your words are always appreciated, thanks!