
"I Love Rock 'n Roll"

You remember that old Joan Jett song, "I love rock 'n roll, put another dime in the jukebox baby"? I always think of it when we have an earthquake here. And with the earthquakes that have happened in Haiti and Chile, there has been a lot of conversation about them. Okay, here's the deal. I'm thankful that about 4am this morning we didn't have too big of an earthquake, but strong enough to wake me up. I was in such a sound sleep, especially after three really tough days at "the store" so the earthquake kind of pissed me off. Once the shaking stopped, I just turned over to go back to sleep. But Katie called to check on me, which was very sweet. She is the one that worries about her mom. Of course, and earthquake news is big here. And the experts are right, they always ask if you are prepared for "the big one". Above is a picture of my bed. This morning I was wondering if we had a strong quake if any of my junk would fall on my head and cause brain damage? Even though I am already a bit "off" in the thinking department. The big shell isn't too heavy, but the coral is sharp and could hurt a wee bit. The heavy architectural piece (at the top of the picture) that I hung "half ass" on my wall for sure would come down, really hard! The news reminds us to have our "earthquake kits" under our bed? That is where I store things, don't think I could squeeze a kit under there. Next question, do you have heavy shoes to get out of your home in case of broken glass? I have flip flops, does that count? Another biggie, "do you have flashlights". At least I can say YES to that one, although since I live with "my boy Bryce" he has taken every battery out of every flashlight in the house! But I do have flashlights. Every time our earth moves in SoCal, they interview Kate Hutton from Caltech. She is a seismologist! And, she is the most frightening woman to see on the news after an earthquake! Look at those frightening eyes! She's been doing this for years, and each time we have an earthquake, and the news camera is on her, you can just see those beady eyes fill with excitement! So, at least we know one person enjoyed our early morning "rock 'n roll". And maybe this person, me, will try to become more earthquake prepared. But, I will for sure have to hide the said "earthquake kit" from Bryce!


  1. I was thinking the same thing....she is scary looking! A touch of mad scientist I would say.

  2. Hey sue,
    Okay, YOU CRACK me up !!! I was up, believe it or not ?! They scare the pee pee out of me ALWAYS !! No MATTER what !! I'm always thinking (like Redd Fox) remember him, This is the BiG one !! I run frantnic from room to room, only to see that everyone else feels the need (like you) to ride it out in bed !! Why is is, that we NEVER get use to the rock and roll .. makes me think to get more prepared tho .. And, yes, that scarry lady was on the news, reminding me to get prepared for the BiG one !! She looks like she has been caught in a few .. hahaha .. Well,thanks for tjhe laugh again, and I too, am out the door to work, ALMOST !! Have a happy, No shakes today again ~
    hugs ~tanza~

  3. Sue, you need the earthquake putty, girl!! ...just saying...

  4. Sue amor, wasn't that a lovely wake up call :) We are about 5 miles from the epicenter, so like you it certainly woke us up too. I love your bed, but yup...ya might want to invest in some museum wax :) I too have flip flops and empty flashlights, have no idea where those wind up ones are lol But....on a good note, it is over 80 here today and I am smiling, feeling the sunshine on my face :) Besos, Rose

  5. Sue, glad you are ok, but I bet you can hear me laughing all the way to SOCal, you are too funny!!!

  6. Sue, that was so funny I had James stop working and read it! I love the way you find something interesting to write about everyday. Glad you didn't wake up wearing a shell hat! ~Jacque

  7. Hey, girlfriend, I think any day that you wake up with your BED ROCKING AND ROLLING should be a great day! Seriously, how long has it been since your bed did a little "shakin' and bakin'"? :)

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. I grew up in LA. And to this day if feel the slightest movement of the ground, I immediately check the chandeliers to see if they are moving! And I haven't lived in California since 1976! It's something that never leaves you!

    Sorry I deleted the first comment. Can't stand a typo or word left out on my part!


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