
My Boy Bryce

Bryce "hit the highway" last night to sell at Alameda today. I look out my front window, his truck (that he just got out of the shop after weeks of repair) is loaded beyond your wildest imagination. It is raining, it is raining hard! I watch him pack for his trip. He comes out of his room with a lime green tote bag,which has a big cartoon panda on the front with green bamboo shoots behind the panda bear. I'm guessing it's Morgan's bag?? He fills the bag with several small bags of chips, water, soda, and I don't believe I saw anything resembling nutritional food get tossed into the bag. He grabs a few other essentials, and tells me his headed up to LA first to meet David (another young dealer at our store). They are following each other on theircaravan to Alameda, which for those that don't live here is near San Francisco. He tells me it should only take them six hours and he will text me in the morning. I watch out the window as he pulls away and I say a little prayer that he will arrive safely. He texts me a short time later to thank me for my help. I text him back and tell him to text me in the morning that he got there safely and that I love him. His text back, "K, love you too". I go to bed feeling somewhat better. I wake up this morning, and is there a text waiting??? What do you think? It's "my boy Bryce", off course not! I text him, he arrived safely, and sent me these pictures to share. I have NO idea why the pix's are tiny, damn iphones!!

He's learning this business well, and I know (hope) as he gets older, he will slow down a bit, take his time more, plan better, all the things that will help ME sleep better. I'm also a realist, so I don't count too heavily on this wish of mine! When I look at Morgan these days, and I see so much of "my boy Bryce" in her. I say a prayer thanking God for giving him a girl!! I couldn't imagine what it would be like for Bryce to have a son! A "mini" Bryce might really do me in!! Bryce makes me crazy as is, although I've always had a bit of that craziness in me as well. Not like our "BSC" Sunday customers, just a little crazy! Oh no, I just realized what day it is. It IS the dreaded "BSC" Sunday!! Better savor my last quiet moments here at the computer before I enter the world of the "BSC's"!!!


  1. I LOVE this post about your boy, Bryce. I was so surprised to see that he had no tatoos as a young child! ;) You know I adore the stuff that Bryce sells and I want to be able to enlarge those dang photos! Arghhh! So frustrating! I think I may have to special order a few things and have him deliver when he comes to Texas. He is coming to Texas, isn't he? You be careful at work today. Remember that bats carry rabies...so avoid as much of the BSC stuff as you can! :)


  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. that was me who deleted the post. screwed up, it was mine.

    bryce is cute as a bug with his little pulled up socks. bet he just loves these pics!

    is that leonard next to him?

  4. That was a great post Sue, Thanks you always have a way with stories. Even though I have no kids I can imagine what thoughts my mom had when sister and I were young all the worry she might of had. From the pictures you posted the weather look great up north. Thanks for shareing I think I will call mom today, Julian

  5. He'll get his reward for not texting in about 15 years!!! As my mama used to say...he'll pay for his raising. Glad he made it safely. That's a long trip. It takes us 5 hours to go to Warrenton, but we're there for nine days. Is there a repellant you can spray on for bats?

  6. Sue,
    As always a heart warming post, even lots of giggles that come along with your talent of sharing.
    I am glad that Bryce made it there safely as well. I always enjoy what he sells and his "eye" for things, must get that from his mama!
    Hope that you and the girls had a wonderful day despite any bats wanting to pay you a visit.

    What a blessing your boy Bryce is to all of us.

    See you soon!

  7. Luv your post!!!
    Our kids just love torturing us, don't worry it'll be pay back soon for them.

  8. Sue amor, I smiled reading this whole post...I have a 19 yr. old that I am STILL waiting to come into her own...funny I thought it was supposed to be easier and no worries once they turned 18...I think I worry more now :) Can't wait to hear about your BSC day. Besos, Rose

    ps...your gandbebes are gorgeous!


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