
Monday Madness

Monday morning, running short on time! I've got lots to do today. In a few minutes, Riley & I are going with her mommy and daddy to take a peek at her baby brother. See how he's cookin' in the oven! We are going to the 3-D ultra sound then I'm off to work, a bit late though. I'll have to catch everyone up on our BSC Sunday later. Let's just put it this way. I watched part of the Academy Awards at El Torito. I needed to have a delicious Pomegranite Cadallac margarita! It helped me get over BSC Sunday! Also, I was so, so happy with all the winners of the Academy Awards. I love Sandra Bullock, Jeff Bridges, Mon'ique and to see the first female director EVER to win an academy was totally awesome. So, as I'm still trying to wake up and head out the door for a very busy day, I just wanted to thank all of you that shopped with us this past week-end. Even are favorite BSC customers. You never let us down!!


  1. I'm on my way to the store too...loved the Oscars!!

  2. Amor, 3-D ultrasounds...how amazing is that...we need to transfer our Vhs to dvds so that I never lose those precious memories...I think my daughters need to see them..think it will make them a lil bit humble??? Nah...I didn't think so either :) Have a great day at the store :) Besos, Rose

  3. I missed the Oscars :( I hope they are on Utube....is that what its called? lol Besos, Rose

  4. Love the picture of the little girl with her shoes on the wrong feet...sandi


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