
A Little Introduction!

I think by now the entire world knows that Katie is pregnant! Well, of course not the entire world, but a good portion of it thanks to my big mouth. I have told everyone, even "before" Katie was pregnant that it was going to be a boy, I just knew! And sure enough, as the tiny fingers above indicates, "you got it right Gramma"! Katie's defination of the ultra sound picture is a little different as in, her little baby boy is shooting her, poking her as he continues to bump around in her belly! In one of Riley's ultra sound pictures she has only ONE finger up in the air, and you guessed it, "that" finger! Technology just amazes me, the detail of the 3-D ultra sound images that technology is able to do these days. All of his tiny back bones, the little heart beating, toes, fingers and all the other things you pray to see. And for that, believe me, we are ever so thankful and blessed!! With all that said, before long you know it, you will see little grandson chasing "Gramma's Girls" around and torturing them just as Bryce did to his sisters. Or should I say, STILL does to his sisters! And as almost everyone in our family said, we need more boys!! Since we are on the subject of family, I am so excited that the new TV series "Parenthood" begins tonight!! I can't even put into words how much I loved the movie, Parenthood, back in the 1980's. I thought if ever a movie was made that portrayed what families are REALLY like, it was Parenthood! I also really like Peter Krause who is featured in the this new show. I fell in love with him on Six Feet Under. I can't wait to see the show to pick out all of the set props that came from Country Roads. This show has a really cool set designer that bought lots of things from our store for Parenthood. She also has great taste in what she purchased! I already have my DVD set, can't wait. With all that said, you have to know you will continue to see more and more "photos" of my soon to be grandson!


  1. This is totally amazing! Love the tiny fingers! Can't wait to see Parenthood, and all your cool "stuff"!

  2. so cool...I have a photo of my grandson that is due in July..on my blog...Congrats!

  3. Thumbs up on the new baby boy soon to be grandson. Give Katie a hello for me and tell her I hope shes feeling well.

  4. hi Sue,
    Congratulations, he's sooo cute !!! Gotta love the boys !! I always thought boys were soo much easier .. There isn't the drama .. They just say what they say, and it's over .. Girlies, are full of lovin' and all that fun stuff tho.. right on to you all ~
    hugs ~tanza~

  5. Sue,
    I love this its so darling! I saw Katie today and she had that beautiful glow about her. Looking forward to all of the "grandson moments" you will share with us. I so love your stories they are delightful.


  6. life is amazing! I was present at all 3 of my grandkids biths.the first,he's 6 yo tomorrow,was a vaginal birth and to see his little head up in the birth canal was unbelievably wonderful..the last 2 were c-sec's( there to see them pulled from Mom's uterus)....to be able to say you've seen your children and grandchildren enter this world is monumental!!
    thank you for sharing this most amazing part of your families life.

  7. very cool. almost sci-fi. stuff we didn't have in our childbearing days.

    before you know it, he'll be wearing little socks with bands of color pulled way up high! and soon after, piling junk on a truck for a flea market . . .


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