
White Wednesday

Here we are again! It's time for "White Wednesday". I took some time the other day while I was at Country Roads, taking some random pictures of different types of "whites" that we have in right now. That is one of the big pluses of owning a store like Country Roads. There is just always so much stuff to see! Of course, my very favorite "whites" are those that are those of a chippy nature, although I do love all the whites pictured below.!!

I don't know about the rest of you, but I'm so, so anxious for Spring to arrive. I can hardly wait and am hoping it brings back our California sunshine with it! I KNOW if you take the time to go visit Kathleen at Faded Cottage you will be amazed at the photos you will find!! Hope you all have a wonderful "White Wednesday"!


  1. What wonderful white pieces! I love the big shell!

    Kat :)

  2. Love all the white, love the silver piece with the baby shoes! Thanks for sharing!

  3. you have some great white pieces....

  4. Love the repurposed entry table!
    It was in the 70's yesterday here...glorious!!!

  5. Love all the little white shoes!! Thanks for sharing and happy WW!
    Karen @ Urban Whyte

  6. Hi Sue,

    Happy WW day! Love all of the photos thanks for including little ole me:) I am so excited about how much creativity soars at Country Roads I love walking the aisles and just browsing all the wonderful. My new family is such a blessing! See you soon.


  7. Thanks for sharing. I love all the white!

  8. I've enjoyed finding your blog today, as it was part of WW. Thanks for sharing, and for being another great blog read. Here's looking forward to getting to know you through this small world of blogging.
    I enjoyed your white photos today, and am off to read more of your blog. The baby shoes are awesome, and I'm a lover of the chippy white too.

  9. Fabuloso as always, Sue. I can't imagine working there and getting to see all this day after day...such inspiration. LOVE it!


Your words are always appreciated, thanks!