
Is Our World REALLY That Big?

It's funny how at times I think our world is huge, filled with so many people. But through blogging, I have found out that most of us have very similar interests, and need an outlet to express both our joys and a few of our pains as well. Country Roads has "allowed" me to not only meet so many people, but also the pleasure of getting to know them as well. Yesterday, we had a brand new dealer move in our store. Many of you may know her, Kate, who has the beautiful Salvage Dior blog! Kate's blog is as beautiful as the person she is as well! She joined our Country Roads family yesterday, and that is a picture of what she put together yesterday. Be sure to check back for more photos. I also have a favor to ask. Someone that is my friend, and that I really care about has finally started blogging. I'm sure many of you know Christie Repasy, but what I want to share with you is the truly beautiful, caring person that she is. Our paths in life these past ten years or so have been very similar, and all I can say is that I'm very honored to call her my friend. I don't have to tell you about her talent, you all know that already. But what I would love for you to do is go visit her Christie's blog, Chateau de Fleurs and leave her a nice comment, maybe sign up as a follower, and encourage her to keep writing. Our world these days isn't always the easiest place to live in, as it too is a bit "BSC"! But I believe in my heart that through all of our blogs, it encourages others, it helps them in times of need, and sometimes our blogs are good enough to make each other laugh! So, if you find sometime today, go visit those two blogs above. Me, I'm off to visit my friend, my companion, Country Roads. I'm hoping we are busy and the day is filled with "happy, shiny people" or whatever that Moby song was. And I think I see the sun peeking out as well. Have a happy Saturday!


  1. Hi Sue, I wish you a day of lots of sales!$$$$ and smiling faces. Ciao Rita

  2. That new space looks great, I'll make sure to stop by. Now I'm off to Christie's!

  3. These ladies are luck to have you as a friend. The new space looks amazing :) Congrats, wish I lived closer or just didn't have one of those 9 to 5 jobs that keeps me doing what I love, so I could have a space at Country Roads. So for now I will continue to be a customer & an admirer. Off to visit the blogs :)

  4. Hi Sue! Thanks for sharing Christies blog with us! I did a post on it so my friends can stop in to say hi and welcome her, and of course I linked you and BOTH of your blogs so they can visit you too!

    Have a great weekend!

  5. Sue amor, thank you so much for sharing that Christie has a new blog...I think it is fabulous! I went to visit her and I tried to become a followe but didn't see the follower thingy on her blog, so I did through my dashboard on my blog...As soon as I am better, I am making a visit to CrossRoads, I think it is a beautiful place with a beautiful hearted owner :) Thank you for visiting me and leaving such nice comments, as I start to get better I will be visiting to catch up all your wonderful posts that I missed :) Have a beautiful weekend! Besos, Rose

  6. Looks good!

    P.S. Christie doesn't have a FOLLOW button. You might want to mention it. Or maybe she doesn't want any.

  7. Hey, girl! I visited both blogs and became a follower of both. I look forward to meeting more members of the Country Roads family! Hope you have a great day at work!

  8. Ooohhh Hi Sue,
    I always LoVe visiting your blog .. you always keep me in the "know" ... I'm so glad you shared about Christtie's blog .. I LoVe her, and you know, how crazy I am about her roses .. I'm hopping over there right now !! have a happy day at work, I'm still laughing at that girl "sprawled" out curb side at your store !! What do you expect, it's California .. Everything goes .. hahaha ..
    hugs to you ~tanza~

  9. Thank you Sue, I had such a great morning at Country Roads. Really felt so wonderful to find a place to belong and leave all my worries behind. Your kindness and warmth through this post really touched my heart. Thank you for such a warm welcome to your Country Roads family. I also stopped by Christie's blog and I am following her journey as well.

    Warm wishes to you


  10. Hi Sue, I'm so excited about Kate, "joining the family". She is such an awesome person, and wow, does she have some of the best stuff. Love it! And I'm so glad to hear about Christie, love her work, so I'm off to see her new blog!
    love ya, Sue!


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