

I've written about my mom before, and how her life wasn't always easy. She was born in Lubbock, Texas and lived there as a young child. Her life was simple, filled with challenges, and her family didn't have much. But she never looked back at her childhood negatively. As a young teenager, her family moved to Temple, Texas. Things were a little bit better for awhile. Her mom worked as a waitress and her dad drove and oil truck. But, like many things in life, stuff happens. Her dad committed suicide when my mom was fifteen and her mom died of breast cancer a few years later. My mom ended up moving to CA and marrying my dad. My life growing up was pretty simple. My dad worked for Edison, my mom worked part time for awhile when my sister and I were teenagers. But the one thing I always, always remember about my mom was that she was such a positive person! Living through everything she did, including the Depression, she was a positive person. As a child she would sing all the time, stupid little songs. She always sang the song, "High Hopes", think Frank Sintra recorded it. Never did a day go by while growing up that she wasn't singing happy, positive little songs. My mom stayed positive her entire life, even right up to the time she died. Never complaining about her pain, she just accepted life. Her love of music was passed on to me, and I try to pass that on to Riley & Morgan as well. Music and those that perform and write it is the very best dose of positivity I could ever ask for. I'm a big fan of American Idol. There, I admitted it. I like it obviously because of the music. But also love to watch it because it is about young people working as positively as they can to make their dreams come true! As I watched last night, I was really thrilled to see Danny Gokey come back and perform his new song. For us "Idol" fans, I think you remember how Danny had lost his wife at a young age. But instead of choosing to let life pass him by, he turned it all around. Here are the words to my new favorite song, "My Best Days Are Ahead of Me"!

Blowing out the candles
on another birthday cake
Old enough to look back and laugh at my mistakes
Young enough to look at the future and like what I see
My best days are ahead of me

Life hasn't always been a party
but mostly it's been good
There's only one or two things that I'd change if I could
I don't get lost in the past or get stuck in some sad memory yah
My best days are ahead of me

Age is nothing but a number
Sometimes I have to wonder
What does it really mean
But heeeey im still putting it together
I keep getting better
if I keep getting better
I can be whatever I want to be
My best days are ahead of me

Age is nothing but a number
Sometimes I have to wonder
What does it really mean
But heeeey im still putting it together
I keep getting better
if I keep getting better
I can be whatever I want to be
My best days are ahead of me

I've got sunsets to witness
dreams to dance with
beaches to walk on
and lovers to kiss
there's a whole lot of world out there
that I can't wait to see
My best days are ahead of me
My best days are ahead of me

To me, this was such a message of positive thinking! Life for so many of us right now is just a day at a time. But I promise you, if you add just a tiny bit of positivity into each of your days, every little thing will be a whole lot better!


  1. I love this reflective post. All of it. As I began reading about your mother I thought about why she remained positive. And then you ended the post with the answer. She lived one day at a time. And that's all that you can do. Living in a past serves no purpose since it cannot be changed. Your mom knew that.

    P.S. I love American Idol too. It's that 'you've go the world by the tail' thing. Truth be told, I'm a reality show junky. Often not for the show itself but to observe human interactionl.

  2. I thought of Danny's tragedy last night while watching AI...it's all about attitude, isn't it?

  3. I really love your stories and pictures about your family!! Thank you so much for sharing them with us!

  4. A very positive post...you had a great teacher in your Mom...

  5. Your mom would be proud of your post!

  6. Love the photo of your mom and dad. I haven't seen that one before. They look so happy and they passed that happiness on to you and you are passing it on to your family! What a wonderful thing to inherit! Isn't it strange that we have the Lubbock connection? Oh...Idol is going to get good this year! They have included unique artists this year. I like that!

  7. Right on Sue,
    That's what I always say, One day at a time .. look forward, cuz we can't change yesterday !! And, I'm so happy that it's the little things in life that mean the most to me .. Have a happy week-end ~
    hugs ~tanza~

  8. It's true...we just have this day. We aren't promised tomorrow and yesterdays are gone. You can't go forward if you're constantly looking back. Your mom knew that...smart woman. She also raised a smart daughter!

  9. Thank you for sharing your memories of your beautiful mom with us :)
    I always wonder how my kids will remember me.

  10. I love your mamas story! Thank you for sharing it with us :) You know, I am seeing on so many blogs right now about keeping them cheerful and not having them be sad places for one to visit...but you know, I started my blog as kind of a journal of our life to share with my family and my friends, to keep in contact with them, and then sooo many new friends found me, but I still shared my everyday stories, some were sad...some down right funny...but that is me...that is why I LOVE your blog...you write from your heart...I love that, I love the posts of your childhood memories and family things that are going on now...it is a beautiful thing...don't change it...it is you :) Keep sharing your shop, home, life stories...and on the day our paths finally cross....I will feel like I have known you always :) Besos, Rose


Your words are always appreciated, thanks!