
I Had To Have It!

I've always said this "business" of antiques and stuff is never about the "need" it is always about the "want"! I love old, vintage advertising. And for years I've always wanted an old vintage "sanitary napkin" machine like they use to have in public restrooms. So, you can imagine my surprise when I went to work yesterday! Apparently this desire of mine to own a vintage sanitary napkin machine wasn't known by everyone. Brande and I were walking down the aisle talking about it yesterday and she commented, while laughing at the same time, that she never knew this! I already have a vintage perfume dispenser that use to hang in a public bathroom. You put your coins in and had four fragrances to choose from, then pushed the button!As Brande and I continued our conversation about my new found treasure and she reminded me of a story I told her years ago. My grandmother never understood the "adhesive" pads, she just remembered those old "belts"! I will never forget her asking me, "doesn't it hurt when you pull the pads off"? I just laughed hysterically and explained to her that you put the adhesive side of the pad on your underwear, not your hoo-hoo!!

Also, "thank you" for all the kind words and little prayers yesterday, they mean a lot to me! As of late yesterday afternoon, they had Arianna on an IV with meds and had said she has a really bad bacterial infection of some kind, but its not life threatening. That gave us some relief, but I'm still hoping to find out more good news this morning. I'll let you know, and again, thank you!


  1. Sometimes, my dear, you are frightening with those antiques of yours but the end story was hilarious! So glad that beautiful little girl is better!

  2. That is good news about Ari. Keep us posted and we will keep up the prayer.
    And as for as the Sanitary Napkin machine, I think you and i would get along very very well. I love old advertising items too.
    My husband cannot understand why I am this way and I must admit I can't understand it either however that does not make it stop.
    Loved the part about your grandmother too. I bet we could all do quite some posts about grandmother funny things we remember.

  3. I'll continue my prayers and am glad to hear it isn't life threatening, but certainly frightening!
    As for your new treasure...EEEKKK!
    Did you ever try to get one of those out at school and it just would not dispense? Grandmother sure puts a new spin on a Brazilian wax!

  4. Just a nickel? Wow! How about a condom machine? Is that next? I am not putting my nickel in your machine when I come to see you! (As if I need it!)


  5. It posted! It posted! Oh, my gosh, it posted!

  6. Funny Malisa mentioned the "condom machine". Actually, I was just telling someone today at the store that is my next "find"! I'm on a search now!!


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