
Monday Morning Memories

My folks bought their house in Long Beach, CA brand new in 1950. It cost them $8500 including appliances! I grew up in that house, and after my mom and dad died, Katie & Vinnie bought the house. It's a nice feeling to have the house still in the family. When I was little, my dad planted a magnolia tree in front of the house. As you can see above with me posing next to it. We always wanted to get a picture of Riley in front of the tree at an age close to mine in the picture. Riley, at a younger age, wouldn't stand still. I probably didn't want to stand still either, but I came from the generation that threatened you with the dreaded "belt"! So, that is why I look so calm and innocent because I was far, far from that. My own kids grew up under that tree and played as they grew just like I did!This past 4th of July, my old neighborhood, which is now Riley's neighborhood, has a parade with the kids. Above is a picture of Riley on that day under the huge magnolia tree. She is the third generation to sit under that tree. The memories of all the photos taken under that tree span a lifetime for me. My folks house was small, and Katie & Vinnie did an awesome remodel on it, but the tree, that magnolia tree I grew up under still stands tall and proud today and shades the house like it always has!


  1. Your Mama must have missed East Texas when she planted that Magnolia tree! It is amazing to see the tree then and see it now! Cute pictures of both you girls!

  2. Hey...we missed a few posts...where have we been??? So glad the baby is fine!!
    Love today's post! how wonderful that the house is still in the family and you can look back and relive every moment spent there...now the vintage sanitary napkins machine...please tell us it doesn't have the napkins inside, please!!!LOL!!!

  3. The leaf REALLY doesn't fall very far from the tree in your neck of the woods! That was a charming post.

  4. So sweet...the pictures are precious! Magnolia trees don't do too well here in Missouri, a few make it, and they are oh so gorgeous and sweet smelling. I think they are also called "tulip" trees here...but I like "magnolia", so much more evocative of the south.


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