
A Little Prayer, Please?

A week ago, little Arianna, pictured here, was snoozing in her stroller after a full day of the Street Faire. This morning she is in CHOC's Childrens Hospital. They think she has blood poisoning. I love Ari, Azul, and Josalyn like they are my own grandbabies! So, this hangs heavy on my heart this morning as I get ready to go to work. As you know, by so many of my posts on this blog, we are a very tight, tight family here at Country Roads. And when it comes to one of the babies being sick, it IS the hardest. So, I just wanted to ask if maybe you could say a little prayer today for our little Ari? It would mean a lot to all of us. I need her back running around my store, not lying in a hospital bed! Thanks.


  1. Aww my wishes and prayers go out to little Arianna really hope she gets better soon.

    Btw i read your blog everyday and i love it, you have some really beautiful antiques. If i lived in the US (I live in the UK) you would'nt be able to keep me out of there.

    Take care Susie.

  2. My prayers are with you all. She's such a little sweetie.

  3. We will certainly pray for her and her family in this time.

  4. Sue, I'm sending up BIG prayers for that darling! There are some mighty strong prayer warriors out here and miracles will be seen!

  5. Scoop and I will pray for her!!


Your words are always appreciated, thanks!