
Irvine Flea Market

I'll be the first to admit, I don't get out much. So, this morning I woke up early and decided I would go visit my son Bryce(above) at the Irvine Flea Market. For some reason, I've never been there and wanted to see Bryce's space. I also have several other Country Roads dealers that sell there as well. I thought you might like to see a few of them, so I've got some photos to share of them below! Brand new to Country Roads, in a way, is "Tim & Lisa", Blue Canoe! They are in the process of fixing up their new space and moving in by the end of the week. Tim & I have come full circle so to speak, in the early days he was the one that built out the first building with all the awesome facades. Tim & Lisa have some GREAT stuff arriving soon, so be sure to check back for pixs of their space after they have moved in. I hear he knows some of my Texas friends!!Here you have "Jolene" always has great stuff in the store, and see that smile, it's rare to see her without it! She is so sweet. Meet "Elaine", and I have to say Elaine has a great sense of humor because everyone is always giving her a hard time! I really try not to, but sometimes Elaine just makes it SO easy. Here's a couple that both live together and works together, "Rene & Marie". That is alot of together time, but hey, look at those smiles on their faces and they are STILL married! "Robin" was a good sport. She usually sells at Irvine but had taken Sunday off this month. But I grabbed her for a photo anyway!It was really nice weather today as I sat in Bryce's space which was under a big tree and there was a great breeze out. I saw so many people I haven't seen in the longest time, old dealers, customers and friends. It made me realize that maybe I DO need to get out more! But the one thing that always continues to amaze me is how many people know the name "Country Roads"! That is something I will always truly be grateful for!


  1. What a great looking flea market, saw lots I liked. I saw Lisa and Tim in Warrenton this past show. Didn't know them by name, just their faces. Hope you had a great weekend, T

  2. I have been recently for the first time as well....love it!! It is my favorite. Some of the vendors even sell at the L.A. Mart!!

    Karen Eileen

  3. Sue,
    It truly is a small world. Tim & Lisa are two of mine and Cat Daddy's favorite people to see at Warrenton. I know they always buy the most fantastic things while they are down in Texas so I can only begin to imagine what their space will look like. Be sure to tell them Debbie and Danny from Zapp said Howdy and can't wait to see them in the fall!
    Your son is such a good looking guy. I checked out his page and it's true about the leaf not falling far from the tree!!!
    The best part of what we do is the folks we get to meet and hang with, isn't it?

  4. I am so glad you got out and went to the flea market! Thanks for taking pics to share with us! Bryce has some good looking stuff!


  5. Sue, hope Bryce had a good day at the Groves. We did it last month and it was pretty good (Lisa and Tim) were our next-booth neighbors) However, the heat is keeping us away from the market until September, hope to see you then!

  6. Always fun to put names with faces! Looks like you had alot of fun, guess you will have to bust out more often!

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