
4th of July & Fireworks & My 300th Post!

Happy 4th of July, a great day to relax and enjoy time with family & friends! Today is also my 300th post, which I didn't even realize until a few days ago. I made a promise to myself in the beginning of the year to do a blog post everyday. Why? It helps me look a life differently. I've always thought each of our days and the people in them, the circumstances we encounter are just stories waiting to be told. I think many of us write blogs because someday we would like to do more with "our words". Almost a year ago, I started my book like so many others of you have as well, "Geeks, Freaks, and Antiques. . .the Country Roads Story". And oh, you have NO idea how many stories Country Roads has to tell. So, with all that said, there are a few other reasons I write, as you can see below: I write to leave something for these guys, my family, who are my life, my blood that I couldn't live without! I want them to have a history of me and them, our family. My parents didn't leave much behind like that for my sister and me.I write for this little girl, Riley, who puts a smile on my face each and everyday, and gives me a heart full of love. And oh, the dancing we do, I can never hear her say this enough, "Come on Gramma, let's dance" as she holds out her hand to me!I look at Morgan, and a month later since her birth, she has grabbed my heart with both hands. I write to tell about how awesome it is to see this little girl each and every day, and to see how much in love Riley is with her cousin. My two grandbabies mean everything to me!
I write because I have stories to tell about my two daughters, Brande & Katie. I've watched them grow up to be strong, independent women that I'm very proud of! They are both kind and compassionate, with good hearts. I couldn't be prouder of them!!My boy Bryce, he always gives me something to write about! He has come so far in his life and to say I'm proud, would be an understatement. He too, like his sisters, is a good person with a heart of gold. And seeing him in his new role as a daddy and as Uncle Bryce, he is at his best!I write because my mom and dad have given my a lifetime of stories to tell, especially my crazy dad! And with them both gone now these stories even mean more to me, it's my own history that I can hand down to my own kids, to my grandbabies.I write because of this woman, my Ruthie! Always encouraging, always supportive and she is truly my mentor, someone I admire very, very much!And lastly, I write because of this, "my Country Roads"!! For those of you that know me & Country Roads, you know that this is so much more than "just a store". "Roads" has been my long time companion since 1992, and 17 years later I can say I'm still in love with her. After all she provides the stories to tell, the moments to laugh hysterically, and some day the text to finish "Geeks, Freaks, and Antiques. . .The Country Roads Story" my dream of a some day book! Have a Happy 4th of July and be damn careful with those sparklers or sliding of roofs in the quest to see fireworks!


  1. I feel the same way. I don't have the talent for scrapbooking or art so this is the only way for me to journal for my family memories. I don't know about you, but sometimes the words just scream to come out and play!
    I hope you have a wonderful holiday with your beautiful family. Try not to get too hot in your heat wave of 70 degrees while we're down here waiting for our cool front to drop the temp to 92!
    That would be a money shot...me trying to get on the roof!

  2. Actually, today we are in the lower 80's, so not as cool as it was, but just as nice!

  3. Your kids and grandkids will always love that you have done this... for them. Your posts are always so heartfelt, it's a window into your soul, and your friends out here are glad you've invited us in.


Your words are always appreciated, thanks!