
Vintage Recycling for Baby's Nursery!

Yesterday the couple, pictured above, came into Country Roads from Rose Bowl. They had told Brande they were expecting their first child, a boy, within a week but the mommy-to-be put it this way,"he could come today and I'd be reeeally happy"! Waiting for that baby at the end of a pregnancy is always the longest. This couple was originally were from Seattle and had gone to Rose Bowl to search for something to make a old books to make a bookshelf or shelving for the nursery. They said they couldn't find anything reasonably priced and sort of stumbled upon Old Towne Orange. Of course I'm hoping that "stumbling" came from the full back page color ad that Country Roads has in RG Cannings newspaper at the Rose
Bowl! Brande and the couple were talking about how cool it was to not only put together something that would look good and different, but at the same time they were recyclying as well by NOT using new wood. Their choice had been vintage boxes that are not only "different" but very affordable. Brande and Yesi gave them some ideas about how they could add to what they were buying with some different types of small boxes to add detail. What a great way to bring a new life into the world by introducing them to antiques and recyclying at an early age! That's what Country Roads is all about, have you ever noticed what we constructed the interior of the store from? Old woods, boardwalk, novelity siding, tin and more!
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  1. I thought you were gonna say that the chick went into labor and had the baby right there! Whew!


  2. Malissa cracks me up!
    I can't believe she was out shopping with only a week to go. Oh, to be young again with big dreams!

  3. Sue, Clara made me come back and take a second look at your picture. We grew up with Sidra La Victoria (wooden box), see how it says Industria Argentina? That's where we are from!!! Too cool!!!


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