I woke up early this morning, like most mornings. I was thinking about Country Roads, and how so many of our customers are really great and caring people. Sometimes it's hard not to walk around the store and be a bit prejudiced, but we have such awesome displays. Take for example the picture above. Tim & Lisa just re-did their space, and this photo is just a temptation for you to come see the rest. Believe me, it's worth seeing. And yes, they just moved in, but if you know Tim, you know his energy!

This photo I borrowed from
Rachel Ashwells blog. I received a phone call on Friday from Rachel's assistant Melissa. She said that Rachel wanted her to contact me to see if she could do a "book signing" of her new book at Country Roads. I've always been a fan of Rachel's and now more than ever, especially with everything that is going on now with her stores and all the unpleasant stuff. I will always remember my early years when she filmed segments of her TV show on Style network at my store. It meant a great deal to me. And now she is coming to Country Roads again to do a book signing. I'm still really touched and overwhelmed by her gesture, and am looking forward to the book signing which should be around Thanksgiving/Christmas time. And take some time to visit Rachel's blog, she writes beautifully.

If you remember also on Friday, I had done a post about "my boy Bryce" and his junkin' habits and how I have some issues over his "treasures" all over my driveway at other areas at my house! Yesterday while I was working, Bryce came in carrying a really cool vintage window and a vintage frame. He told me they were sitting in the driveway. I was assuming he meant the Country Roads driveway. Nope, they were sitting in my driveway at home! Oh God, please don't let my house become a drop off point like the Goodwill! Random stuff is always happening in my life, not sure why.
And lastly, I want to thank ALL my customers for the kind thoughts and words they share with me daily. They probably don't realize how much their kindness means to me, but I always am grateful for their words. For some reason, lately I've had a lot of customers talking about the above slideshow I did put together back in March of
Johnnye Merles Gardens in honor of my mom. One lady a week ago told me she was bummed because she was had lost it on her computer. And late yesterday afternoon I had such a sweet customer almost in tears telling me how she loves Country Roads and the above slideshow. So, I brought the little "show" back by popular demand. I have so many random things happen in my life, both good and not so good, but instead of questioning the "whys" of it all, I say this to myself quite often these days,"WOW"!! Enjoy your Sunday, it's a beautiful day outside!