
TJ in the 50's!!

I've been trying to go through stuff of my parents and organize it for the past couple of years. And then it gets overwhelming or my mind strays as I spend time looking at all the old photos. I found this souvenir photo the other day. There is another one similar to this one that my parents had taken right after they were married, which is a classic if I can find it! Once again, as my dad always did, he wrote everybody's names down for this photo. That was Pat Moore, the historian before his time! My dad is "Pancho" and my mom is "Kiss Me"! And the poor donkey is painted to look like a zebra! Yes, that was and still is Tijuana!! I haven't been down that way for at least fifteen years now. I guess that's kind of a draw back as you get older from those carefree days of our youth.
My dad was always such a smart ass, I'm surprised he didn't get kicked out of TJ! But, wow, it looked like they were all having fun in the photo, except for the poor ass! Don't worry, this time I'm talking about the donkey, not my dad!
To participate: contact Deborah at cashgirl_56@yahoo.com


  1. I loved your picture Sue. Those old family photos are priceless! Looks like they were enjoying their trip. Have a great day.

    Many hugs.........


  2. Sue: You know I am having a fit over that picture and the cover! I want it! I want it! I want it! That is the BEST! And look what a gorgeous couple your parents were!!! Check out that tan on your Dad! This is just too good! You knew I would love it...you were right! Gosh, you can't deny your parents...you look like both of them! Great pic!


  3. Hi!
    That's a great photo! They all look so happy and having a wonderful time!! Have a great day!!


  4. Hello Sue, thank you for sharing this fun story about your parents etc. and I love the photo. Your parents are so good looking and you can tell they are having a great time. a fun post today.


  5. It looks like they were having a great time, not a care in the world. Fun times!

  6. What a good lookin' bunch of people! I have a photo of some of my family in Mexico similiar to this! I'll use it for Foto Friday one day. I think mine is probably many years older.

    Thank you for participating in my meme.

  7. They look as if they were having a really good time! Great photo!

  8. WOW this is funny, I thought I was the only one who had one of these TJ photo's showing their family ...nice to see you have one also. I need to dig mine out an put it on my blog. Years and years ago my Dad got sent to San Diego with his job and the family went to TJ one week-end. I remember I got a Spanish doll and my Moma insisted we eat at the only American store , something like Woolworth's -lol.
    Weren't these photo's fun :)
    Enjoyed viewing your blog.


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