
Bidding & Blogging For Little Bella!

You know, if you watch the news daily it becomes so depressing, I just can't handle it anymore. You start to give up on life and then something like this happens!! Look at the beautiful, sweet baby girl above. A true gift from God, she just got here a bit early. Bella is Debbie's first granddaughter, something I know all about. The first little granddaughters that are born grab hold of your heart like nothing else will ever do! If you see the little box in the upper right hand corner, with "The Junk Sistas", click it on and find out about an awesome fundraiser that is happening. And actually, I'm quite proud of myself for getting a link to actually work! I emailed Amy this morning over at Junk Sistas. I had a question for her in that I wanted to make a donation, but I didn't want any raffle tickets. God knows I've got more stuff than one person should ever have! I just wanted to send little Bella's family a cash donation. So, I started thinking, I'm sure there are many of you out there in "cyberspace" that may feel the same way, right? Just contact Amy and she can hook you up!! The world of blogging is fascinating to me. I get more readers on my blog, than I do my website for my store. But what is touching to me is to see people all over this country of ours coming together for this little baby. One of my favorite songs is by Louis Armstrong, "Wonderful World"
Let me just wrap this up by quoting my favorite part of the song: "I hear babies cry, I watch them grow, you know their gonna learn a whole lot more than I'll ever know. . .and I think to myself what a wonderful world, yes what a wonderful world"
Let's all work together to give Debbie and her family some support so one day, Debbie will have little Bella sticking her fingers up Debbie's nose, pulling her hair, pinching her neck, you know all the loving things those little grandkids like to do to us when they are two years old. Maybe Riley can teach Bella some tricks to play on Gramma. So, pull out those checkbooks or credit cards and give back, pay it forward, please!

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