
"I Need Followers", I Shamelessly Ask!

So, sometimes I'm not the brightest crayon in the box when it comes to the blogging world. I've been doing it a long time, but you know, there are just things that don't always "click" in this head of mine. Anyway, I'll explain in a few weeks the why's of why I'm asking, but I need some "followers", you know the "click to follow". So, if you could do me that favor I shamelessly ask, you are the best!


  1. I'm following! I'm following twice! In fact, I'm following right behind Cher! I think we're in trouble!


  2. Done, my friend. You should have asked sooner. If you're not the smartest crayon in the box, well then, I guess that leaves me being the broken one! Debbie

  3. Did that dern Malisa vote twice in the last election? She's following you twice! I, on the other hand, am obeying the rules and only following and voting ONCE each! I'M a good girl!

    The Texas Woman

  4. No Megaphone needed! We heard you loud and clear! Did my part~Jacque


Your words are always appreciated, thanks!