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100 Plus Reasons to Shop at Country Roads!
Country Roads,
The Time Has Come
Country Roads,
My Mom Growin' Up in Texas!

Thanks Deborah for hosting, "Fridays Favorite Family Fotos"
Country Roads,
Hobson Durham,
Johnnye Merle Durham,
I Got "it" Twice!!

1. I'm the oldest in my family, I have a younger sister who grew to be a lot bigger than me. Being a dumbass, I always picked fights with her and always got the crap kicked out of me, but it didn't stop me. I also broke my mom's foot when I was in third grade,I kicked her! But hey, she was chasing me with a belt, for starting a fight with my sister!
2. I went to college at Cal State University Fullerton, here in CA. I majored in Sociology and minored in American Studies and spent an entire summer working on an Indian reservation in the 115 degree heat outside of Yuma. I loved every minute of it!! I dropped out of school 12 units short of my BA. Why? I was living on my own, working, partying, and going to school and had to choose to let one of them go, wow, once again I was a dumbass on that choice! (dumbass is one of my favorite words, you may not have know that either)
3. I am a blonde, left handed, vegetarian Gemini! I think that explains a lot about some of my blog posts, as in I just can't help myself! Sometimes I can have a really big mouth, and at other times I can be shy and withdrawn and compliments are very difficult for me to accept, I get embarrassed. I appreciate them, I just don't like the attention.
4.I cannot stand to see animals suffer or little kids mistreated. Was a big fan of Billy Jack, "bless the beasts and the children, they have no voice they have no choice". So, I have a house full of eight rescued cats, and one rescued mentally challenged dog, "Sally the Cabana Dog".
5.I'm a music freak, totally!! If I could choose to be anything in life, it would be to be a singer with a band. Seriously, I want to be Cher or Tina Turner, look at them! I love most all music, really into Michael Franti & the Spearheads right now. Big American Idol freak! I'm in love with my ipod and splurged on really expensive Bose headphones a couple of years ago to listen to my ipod with. Something I wouldn't normally do.
6.I can't help myself when it comes to underdogs or people that need help. If I only have five bucks in my wallet I'll give it to someone that I think needs it. My kids grew up with me making them walk over to scarey people and give them money. I think "giving back" and "paying it forward" is really important in life. I will usually help someone else before I help myself. I have no respect for rich, weathly people that do nothing to help others.
So, there you go. I told you it wouldn't be too exciting but hey, I tried to play and be a good sport! Thanks for pushing me Malisa, Marcela & Clara!
Country Roads,
I've Been Tagged
Supreme Court Upholds No on Prop 8

On Friday, October 24th, 2008, Apple wrote the following. . .
"Apple is publicly opposing Proposition 8 and making a donation of $100,000 to the No on 8 campaign. Apple was among the first California companies to offer equal rights and benefits to our employees’ same-sex partners, and we strongly believe that a person’s fundamental rights — including the right to marry — should not be affected by their sexual orientation. Apple views this as a civil rights issue, rather than just a political issue, and is therefore speaking out publicly against Proposition 8."
Apple is one of the most successful corporations in our country, and they took positive steps a long time ago to recognize the right to be in love, to be married, to be recognized! Today the Supreme Court upheld the decision to ban gay marriages in California. How can the same court a year ago basically say "gay is okay" and now it was okay for only some but not for all? Thankfully, those married in that small time frame will still have their union be recognized as a legal marriage in our state, while others are denied the same right to be wed. I think everyone is entitled to their opinions, but when it comes to discrimination, hate, prejudice it just makes no sense to me. And don't even begin to tell me that the Bible say its wrong, please. How can we have an all loving God, oops, except if you are gay? I'm sorry, that is not my God.

This sign was in my front yard last year during election time, right there in my garden. I'm not gay nor is my oldest daughter Brande, not that it really matters. Brande headed up the campaign for "NO on Prop 8" here in Long Beach. We just believe in human rights, it's that simple, really. Shouldn't "love" be celebrated, without being over shadowed with clouds of hatred? There is a blog I follow, called, Mommy With a Penis(www.mommywithapenis.blogspot.com). I can't get the link to work, sorry. I'm sure if you are already not happy with what I have to say, that one probably really added to the fire. But what is so very brillant about this blog is here you have two bright successful men, in love, married, who have adopted two loving children and they are awesome parents. I just don't understand "how" you can tell them, and many others in their same situation that it is wrong to fall in love, to wish to get married, to have children, how can that be wrong? I know in my heart that "my" God doesn't believe it's wrong.

I look at the picture above and I'm sadly reminded that this photo wasn't taken that long ago. Has history not been a lesson, have we not learned that people are people regardless of things like color or sexual preference? I know in my heart, and I believe that sooner or later gay marriage will be legal thoughout all of the United States. I'll keep that hope alive for the year 2010,this isn't over yet. And I will not lose the HOPE in my heart for my friends,for my sister and her partner, and for others that are simply "in love". There are better days ahead, there has to be! "I Have a Dream" MLK
Country Roads,
Milk. No on Prop 8,
Supreme Court
Bloomin' Tuesdays

Bloomin Tuesdays,
Country Roads
Memorial Day

"Some say I'm a Dreamer, but I'm not the only one" John Lennon
Country Roads,
Memorial Day
I Love Little Kids!
What is not pictured is when ALL the balloons went up to the ceiling, I have high open beam ceilings. Vinnie rides his bike to the liquor store to prove a point. He buys a squirt gun, fills it with water, and him and Bryce take turns shooting all the balloons down from the ceiling. It was, indeed, a fun filled day. I need a nap!
Baby Showers,
Christmas and Kids,
Country Roads
Mermaids, Dolphins and THE Baby Shower
. . .to be continued!
Baby Showers,
Country Roads
Please Adopt Us!
Country Roads,
Kitten Adoptions,
I "HAD" To Share!
Baby Shower,
Country Roads,
Morgan Clover
My Grandpa Hobson

To participate: contact Deborah at cashgirl_56@yahoo.com
Country Roads,
Favorite Family Foto Friday,
Respecting Differences

American Idol,
Country Roads,
Country Roads Eye Candy!!
Country Primitives,
Country Roads
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