
What Does a "Surprise" Really Mean?

So, this is a picture of a younger Malisa the cowgirl, from her now famous Moonlight Hollow blog. And I hope I don't get busted for lifting this picture from her blog. She has a warning on her blog that I just violated!! But hey, I didn't have any other picture! Anyway, I had been admiring her new blog banner and layout that's on her new blog, "The Resaissance Chick". I had been asking her about banners and stuff. And what did she go and do? THIS!! She got me this totally awesome new banner and layout as in a "surprise"! Did you get it, she GOT this for ME!! Wow, I'm still blown away. I love the ocean and the way its illustrated in this banner just takes my breath away. As many of you know, my mom was from Texas and had a really good and giving heart. Malisa lives in Texas and it's nice to see that the Texans of this generation have those same good, giving hearts. Malisa, you are the best!


  1. Sue,

    You are so sweet and didn't need to do that! That is so nice of you. Just one problem...that is Karen! Ha! I am the little cowgirl! The thought is still the same...and thank you!


  2. Okay Malisa, thanks for the "clue" on the pix, although it was kind of funny. It's a blonde thing!

  3. That was fun! Cute girl either way. Thx for the 'coupon', sure wish I were there to spend it. Have a wonderful-ly 'taxing' weekend Sue!

  4. What a lovely surprise! I can't wait to meet Malisa at Warrenton...I've got a feeling she's even crazier in person!
    It is a beautiful header...love the colors.

  5. Wow! I thought I ended up on another blog! You know I love the ocean wave~~~~That was so nice of her and it is a fun change, isn't it nice meeting all these creative people. ~Jacque

  6. like the new look! what a great surprise. Can you list the link to her site on your post?


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