
Wavin' at Barrack

Today, Barrack Obama and Air Force One flew into our local airport, Long Beach! I got there early, I wanted to make sure I saw the plane touch down. So, I saved a spot for Riley and her daddy, Vinnie.It was really special to have Riley see this with me, can't quite put it into words. She passed the time by kicking dirt and throwing little rocks. She hung on to the fence just like her Gramma did, waiting for "the big plane" she would say! Then, after the first jet landed with the American flag on it, you knew we were only minutes away from seeing what we all had been waiting for!And there is was, as you can see in the first picture and there it went if you look closely above at the photo. It was a "moment", you know? A "moment" that I will never forget. The crowd was mixed of all ages, all colors of people waiting for the same thing, to see Air Force One fly by with President Obama aboard. People cheered, they waved, some had flags, and I just hoped I wouldn't screw the picture up. I waited to leave because since I got there early, I was up front and there were a lot of cars so I didn't have much choice anyway. But I'm glad I waited because pretty soon, five big Air Force helicopters flew over, and as I didn't know at the time, but I thought Mr.Obama would be in one of them! There was no way they were going to drive him down the 405 freeway! It was a moment in history for me, a story I can tell to Riley with pictures to show her. It also brought back the "hope" into my heart. To be in a crowd, in the sun, waiting for about an hour and a half to see our Presidents plane touch down, was a very special moment for me. And to have my granddaughter by my side made it even more memorable. We all need to keep believing in "hope" and never give up, ever!


  1. What a thrill! So glad Riley got to be a part of it!

  2. Great picture! I think I could see him waving at you! How fun, and what a great memory to have with your sweetie pie. "Hope" and "Gratitude" are two big words in my world these days, I am right with you!~Jacque

  3. Hey girl! I've been trying to catch up this morning on blogs since I've been awol for awhile. Love your garden and pool and all the cute photos of Riley. And all the great shots of Country Roads. You are doing good at keeping us updated...I've got to get on the stick again! :-) Have a great rest of the week!
    Bless Ya!




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