
My Texas Roots

That's a school picture of my mom who born and raised in Temple, Texas. Her name was Johnnye Merle Durham, and even though she came out to CA with my dad in the 1950's, she was always a true Texan at heart. Here are some random old pictures I have of my mom that I just wanted to share! Here's another picture of my mom in elementary school. I never saw these pictures until after she had passed away. I found them in an old album. This is a picture of my mom, with her mom, my grandmother. Her name was Madge Dulane Durham, and I have the same middle name Dulane as my grandmother did. This is another picture of my grandmother. I never met her as she died of cancer when my mom was fifteen years old. This is a picture of my mom as a sassy young woman! This is a picture of my grandfather, Hobson Durham, that I also never got to meet. About a year or so after my grandmother died, my grandfather committed suicide. I think losing his wife was just too much for him to beare.He use to drive an oil truck outside of Temple, Texas.That's my mom sitting on the top of the truck, and my grandpa is right below! Going through all the sadness my mom did at such an early age I think prevented her from sharing many of her Texas memories with me or my sister and not knowing much about her days in Texas. And as I said, it wasn't until after she died that I found many old photos that were just awesome. My biggest regret is that my mom didn't live long enough to see the first black President of the United States elected. Her and my dad would be so very proud of President Obama. The one thing I learned from my folks was that people are people, it's about what's inside of you that makes them the person they are! It's never, ever about the color of their skin. My mom was a die-hard Texan democrat who I know is happy now with the new leadership of our country today! Wish she was here to share in the joy!

Friday's Favorite Family Foto

To participate, email Deb: Cashgirl_56@yahoo.com


  1. Very nice story - thanks for sharing it with us.

  2. What great pics. Your mom was beautiful! The next time we are in Temple I'll take more photos of the town for you. Happy Friday, Theresa

  3. Your Mom sounds like a wonderful woman. I wish more parents taught their kids those kinds of values. And did you notice the resemblance between your grandmother's and Riley's photo, right next to it? Wow.

    Have a beautiful weekend!

  4. Your Mom was a very pretty lady. My Mom also didn't tell me alot about her early years. I know she was married before my father, but divorced after 2 yrs. I have an older brother from this Marriage. Family rumors have it they were very young and his Mom and my Granny wouldn't stay out of their lives. More like my Granny. She was not a nice lady.
    Thanks for stopping by my blog.

  5. Great pictures! Your mom sure was a beautiful lady! I love old pictures. I wish I had more. You found some great ones. Women looked so classy back then.

  6. Hi!
    Great family photos! Your mom is beautiful as well as your grandmother! Have a great day!!


  7. Your Mom was a lovely lady! It is too bad you could not have known your grandparents...they sound like wonderful people! You are so lucky to have been raised by folks who taught you to judge people by their actions and words rather than by their circumstances. It is amazing how much racism has raised its ugly head in some blog pages since the election! Riley and Morgan will have the best beginnings!


  8. Love your pictures and the stories that go along with them! So glad you shared them with all of us today! Have a good one!

  9. Beautiful photos--thank you for sharing the story of your mother's life. Happy Friday!

  10. I really don't know what to say.I just know that generation was so dang secretive.Good or bad.Maybe we blab too much.Who knows.
    I'm at least happy you found the photos.and they were beautiful people.and your granparents loved each other so much.That's the stuff movies are made of.
    I told you,ha,i didn't know what to say...Ann

  11. Sue, an interesting story about your mom and her family. She did have some sad times. I love her photos and also your grandparents too. I agree, I think your grandpa died of a broken heart. How great that you discovered those photos.

    Have a great day...Hugs, Jeanne

  12. What a great find!! Treasures of your family either good or bad they are all memories, and that's all we have.
    Your mom was very beautiful and that little Riley is adorable.
    Happy late night Foto Friday.
    That Melisa is a doll. Love your banner.
    Love Claudie

  13. Touching story and nice photos that bring the story to life.
    Thanks for sharing.

  14. Great photos! It would have been so great to have had the chance to talk about those photos you found with your mom. Thank you for sharing them with us.

  15. My husband is from near Temple and my in-laws used to live there. You can take the girl out of Texas but not the Texas out of the girl.

  16. I love these photos! Your mom was so pretty!


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