
Country Roads Big Ass Sale!

Okay, here's the deal! We've got a holiday week-end coming up! You know, we have the whole Valentine's thing going on, but hey, don't forget about George and Abe! It's their damn birthdays as well. So, here is what we do at Country Roads. Don't spend your week-end cleaning. Put DOWN the mop, it's time to shop till you drop!! Seriously! Come on down and join Country Roads & Old Towne Orange for our annual "Antique Affair" on February 14th, 15th, and the 16th too. When Country Roads has a sale, we go all out. I promise you, if you throw the mop down and come shop instead, you're going to find some awesome sales that you won't want to miss. I hope to see you all out shopping on this three day week-end. You can always clean, but you can't always find these great sales at Country Roads. You know, where we "mix the timely with the timeless".

1 comment:

  1. I love your Big Ass Sale! I have a big ass, but am too damn far away! Very clever saying..."mixing timely with timeless"! Very good!
    Hope you make a bucket full of money!



Your words are always appreciated, thanks!