
Made From The Heart

Awhile back, I did a post on things that I believe are made from the heart. I had posted some photos of one of my dealers at Country Roads, who is also a friend, Stacey Steimle's awesome creations. The photo above is one of her new creations here at Country Roads. I think those belt buckles are totally cool and unique in design. If anything has come from the crazy world we've been living in, I believe people are beginning to once again make things that come from their hearts. In other words, they put the time, the thought, and the love into each unique, one of a kind item they make. Whether it's a painting, or belt buckle, or even a written story, these are things that have come from the "inside" of people. The word heart itself as the word "art" in it, do you see what I mean? These creations of ours are things that can't be massed produced anywhere since each and every one of our creations is unique in itself. The thought and love and time which has been freely put into our own creations are priceless!


  1. Hey Sue...
    Love your blog!
    It was great seeing you a few weeks back!
    I sure miss all the CR gals...
    Have a great week...

  2. Thanks Sue! I'm totally digging on making these belt buckles, it is so fun to wear one-of-a-kind art work. Stacey

  3. Totally cool belt buckles! Please show more of her work!



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