
Little Things

It was damn cold today! I speak in regards to the definition of SoCal cold. Let's put it this way. The inside of Country Roads today was 60 degrees! My lips and cheeks on my face are chapped. A week ago the temps were in the 80's, what the hell? I've been working with "my" public the past three days at Country Roads. So, when my oldest daughter, Brande, called earlier today offering to treat me to dinner after I got off work, I jumped at the opportunity. I love going down to Brande's apartment which is in Seal Beach, one of my most favorite places. You can walk every where, and the beach is right "there". The photo above is looking down the Seal Beach pier which actually has a Ruby's Diner at the end. From the pier we walked over to Walt's Wharf, an awesome little seafood restaurant. Their food is great and the Corona's are always cold. Brande had been to Mohab, Nevada over the week-end working on a documentary she is filming. So it was nice to hear about her week-end and spend time with her. I love how VERY different all three of my kids are. Very different,yet very much the same. I'm sure some of you understand what I mean. I'm not the best at photography, especially with the camera I have and especially at night. But if you look to the left in this picture, you can see Catalina that you can see a little bit of because of the full moon. It was really beautiful out tonight at the beach, even if it was pretty cold. You know, the older I get, the more I appreciate the little things in life. It's not about fancy vacations and all that kind of stuff. It's more about stuff like the pier and beach on a cold winter's night. Or getting to see Catalina in the distance in the dark because of the beauty of a full moon! But most of all, seriously, I'm so grateful to be spending time with my kids. They are all grown up, yet I'm still lucky enough to talk to them each day and be a part of their lives! Don't ever take those "little things" in life for granite, ever!

1 comment:

  1. Sue~ Sounds like you have your priorities in a good order, thanks for the trip to the beach, we are busy getting a house ready to sell and wasn't able to get to a beach in the last couple weeks. Want to buy a house? Jacque


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