
Work, Love, and Dance!

  There is a quote I heard the other day that pretty much relates to how I feel about life. It goes like this:
Work like you don't need the money, love like you've never been hurt, and dance like nobody is watching"
I love to dance, especially with my favorite dancing partner, Riley! After some quiet time in my office working (did you notice she's a lefty like her Gramma), I give her a loving hug, and then we go out into the family room and DANCE! I've danced with her since she was a newborn. And now that she is getting older, 2-1/2 years to be exact, she really has her dancing moves down! The other day when the song was over, she learned to "bow", one hand on her tummy, one and her back, and a gracious little bow! The best moments of my daily life!!
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