
A Little "Vintage Bling"

I thought I'd share a little "vintage bling" from one of my favorite dealers, and friend, Stacey Stemile. I have to say she is one of our more creative talents here at Country Roads!
I would never have the patience to work with such tiny objects, and I love how all these little treasures are mixed together to create such awesome stuff. I like the use of vintage items, especially old bottles and individuals, such as Stacey, taking the time to put these together. Like most things these days, these bottles are now being reproduced and sold at cheaper prices. But I've gotta tell you, they aren't nearly as artistic as when individuals make them by hand! This is another shot of some of Stacey's work. I love the way this is displayed. I think there is something to be said about purchasing "art". It's not always about the cheapest price, but to me, I much rather have something made by hand with love and care than from a factory in China somewhere. You know.


  1. I have been in the creative business for years and have notice a new swing back toward hand made or what I call "heartmade". I believe the changes going on in the world are directing people back to us and away from the China made market. While other industries are struggling mine seems to be growing (again). The jewels you show are beautiful and I can tell they are heartmade!

  2. A hearfelt and simple Thank you!

  3. It was nice of you to showcase this beautiful work! Love the bottles...and the jewelry! Wish you were not so far away...I would definitely stop by to shop!


  4. Love the jewelry and the bottles! Especially the one with the cross on top! How tall is the one with the square crystal cross? Do you ship? I might have to talk to Mr. Valentine! I would so have a hard time working in your store! I heard your weather is going to be beautiful this week...we've got another cold blast coming! Take care...Patti

  5. wow, cool to see you guys on Blogger! my name is Kristy and I kinda grew up in your shop. :) my mom had the famous corner space with the step-up and the window on the right side of the store. i remember going there as a kid, waiting forever for her to finish decorating lol. :) :D

  6. and i should get to country roads to see stacey's things because they caught my attention haha :)


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