
More Adventures of "Riley & Leonard"

Riley hasn't been over as much the past couple of weeks. Her daddy has been off work with a back problem, and I've been working a lot both at the store and at home. I've missed playing with Riley and Leonard has missed Riley even more. The minute Riley got here today, she ran into her little playroom, and Leonard also came running in too! Riley immediately got to work making lunch for her buddy, I believe she had a play hamburger on her menu today! Looks as if Riley was concerned that Leonard wasn't getting enough veggies as she offers him some of her play eggplant! With lunch finished, Leonard settles in for an afternoon nap, as Riley gently puts his Christmas bow back on him. Guess it doesn't matter the holiday has passed when it comes to those two. You know, there are days that I get on total overload with everything I"ve got going in my life. I HATE to be that busy, I really do. And then, just like magic, I watch Riley's big blue eyes sparkle as she plays with Leonard, and suddenly I don't have a care in the world! And life is once again good.


  1. Leonard, is a very patient cat, it seems to me.

  2. God knew what he was doing when he gave us grandchildren...didn't he? They totally change your life! Riley is absolutely adorable...and Leonard is a champ! True love there...between Riley and Leonard!


  3. hahah :D you are correct! my mom is Sharon :) she says Hi to you! haha :) we just went through her rhinestones so i can add some to my collection *wink* lol. :D


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