
A "Wolf Moon"

  I'm sure everyone has seen the big ass moon that has been out the past two nights. I heard someone call it a "wolf moon". It's pretty incredible. Those of us in retail always know that when it's a full moon, "those" customers all come shopping. And at Country Roads, there is something different about our Sunday customers as well. Not sure how to pinpoint it, but they are brutal! So, today with it being Sunday and a very FULL and bright moon out, I'm definately feeling the pain of the day. Although I'm very grateful, thankful, and blessed that we were very busy today, it was still a tough day. So, whenever I'm tired, or sad, or just need to feel good, I go see my little Riley, my granddaughter. So after work I went over to visit. And I was oh so lucky, one of the Christmas gifts that "Grandpa Gout" (my ex-husband) had given her was one of those things that the bottom looks like a wading pool filled with balls that get thrown down the tube in the middle! So, since I'm not really tall I could easily fit inside of it with Riley. I had a cold Corona to forget about the torture of the day, while I sat among all the balls that Riley either threw down the tube or bounced off me. And you know, the "numbers" we did at the store were great today, but sitting in the ball thing with Riley was what I'll remember the most about today because that is always, by far, the best moments of my days, spending time with Riley! Happy Wolf Moon!
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1 comment:

  1. The moon has been amazing the past few days...what's even more amazing is that you and I are both looking at it and we are 1500+ miles apart! In the fall when it's so big and yellow-orange when it's rising we call it a harvest moon. Haven't heard of a wolf moon. Riley is a doll...I can't wait to have one too! I just left youa comment on the store post too.


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