
White Wednesday

I've been having major computer problems this week! Not sure how I even got this post to work and will save you all the details of my headaches. Just let me say, don't ever buy a Dell and note to self, learn to use my new iMac desktop!!  Below are a few "whites" I snapped pictures of yesterday at Country Roads!!

I hope you all will take the time to link up with my friend Kathleen over at Faded Charm! She is the one that put together this little "White Wednesday" party that has grown into a great place to visit. I hope to be back this week if the computer Gods allow me too!!


  1. Beautiful pics as always. Really love the birdcage! Happy Wednesday.

  2. Oh such lovely images of your beautiful treasures. Thanks for sharing. Cheers SpecialK XoXo

  3. I have a love/hate relationship with my computer. I hate when it acts up, but I love the things I get accomplished around this old hill when it's down.
    Love the Bear sign.

  4. Oh Sue, The pickets, the bird cage, the scrolling details, those dainty dresses.... My Head is spinning ~ sorry for the computer problems...
    Have a wonderful weekend!

  5. LOVE the dresser that's white with soft pink! GoRgEoUs!


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