
My Girls

These pictures are all out of order.  And they are the only pictures I have access to right now! There is a very good reason for all of this. I've had this brand new Mac desktop that I'm working on now for about three or four months. The reason I haven't used it is because I've always had a PC. I've meant to switch over but just never got files transferred or forced myself to "learn" the Mac. Well, this morning my crappy Dell crashed. Not completely and I am SO hoping I can get back all of my files. The first external hard drive didn't back the Dell up. I'm just hoping I can get everything off of it. So, please have patience with me as I learn how to work on my new Mac. Today I had the chance to spend time with my girls. I took Riley to school this morning and then Morgan came over to spend some time with me. I took her with me to pick up Riley at kindergarten. Riley was so surprised to see her. Below is a picture where Riley's teacher let Morgan come check out the classroom!

I had much better pictures today taken from my camera. These are just from my iphone. I"m really hoping I can retrieve my pixs from the old computer. I really LOVED today. It's been awhile since I could spend the afternoon with my girls. And speaking of girls. . .we just found out that Bryce and Justine are having another little girl! Looks like Bodhi will be the only guy for now!! I can't wait for a new baby to join our family!!


  1. Your girls are adorable! I miss that fun age.

  2. Hey Sue,
    Your girls are too cute!! Love the pic of Morgan visiting Riley at school!
    Congratulations to Bryce and Justine and the whole Jackson family...
    Sorry to hear about your computer problems (they are such a pain)...but wishing you lots of luck with the new one!!
    Glad to hear you had a day of fun with your girls.

  3. Oh my!! The family is getting bigger and bigger, congrats to everyone!! They say (meaning the Apple fans) that once you try it you never go back...I have both and here I am with my PC! LOL!!!

  4. Congratulations on the new soon-to-be baby. These pictures are great because they show how much "the girls" love being with their grandma and with each other. Have a great week and hope you can retrieve those pics! Ann

  5. Wow, what pretty girls they are, you are so blessed with your family :)I see you have a grat red couch, nice color! XO Christie

    P.S. looks like you are going to be working hard to keep up with that busy new website! Congratulations on its launch and success!


Your words are always appreciated, thanks!