
White Wednesday & A CR Slideshow!

This morning is a "2fer"! I struggled all afternoon yesterday to get my rather lengthy slideshow of Country Roads posted. Let's just say it was one of those days. And since I'm working at CR today, I thought I would roll the slideshow and White Wednesday all into one post! The slideshow link is at the end of this post in case you might be looking for it! And now let me tell you where these incredible pictures have come from. I'm sure many of you know Debbie Watts from Blossoms!  I've been in this business a very long time. Actually almost twenty years now. Throughout the years every once in awhile you see someone that just has a natural talent, a creative mind, a gift and performs magic with every little thing they touch! That would be Debbie.  I hope you enjoy some of these displays she just put together. I really LOVE the old vintage white iron manicure table and stool. So unusual and so great to look at! As are the rest of the pictures below.

Do you see what I mean about the incredible talent Debbie has? You know what else she has that means just as much to me? It is just the person she is! Very kind, not all full of herself like some people tend to be in this business. As I said, every once in awhile, you see a natural talent like Debbie's! And this will have to be a separate post, but her husband Larry keeps us entertained while Debbie works away! The man should do stand up comedy, seriously! And lastly, sorry this is so long, the link below, if all goes well, should take you to the Country Roads Slideshow! And I must warn you, it too is almost as lengthy as this blog post!! Thanks to all of you that share your kind words with me. It means very much and motivates me to work even harder!!  Take care and don't forget to click the link below.

*Actually, I just clicked the link and I had posted about 200 pictures, and I believe the link only has about 10 photos up. I have NO idea what happened, sorry about that *



  1. Oh my, you are killing me with all the fabulous crusty white stuff! Awh! Love it all!


  2. Sue,
    Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your kind words & your friendship. I've finally found that little piece of heaven (The Room & Country Roads) I've been searching for. The possibilities seem endless at County Roads!
    OMG!! Larry is not going to stop talking about how he made your blog post! (Thanks alot Sue)...he thinks he's famous!!!

    You're the best!

    P.S. Love the slide show you did a great job...we have to talk!

  3. Hey Debbie. . .
    I want to feature Larry on a blog post. I have to get his CR Security t-shirt first! Possibilities are ALWAYS endless at Country Roads! That is one thing I know for sure.

    Take care,

  4. Whenever I know I am going to your blog, my heart skips a beat.... I am always delighted with all the marvelous treasures, loved the slideshow too.... I tell you, one of these years, I plan on visiting Country Roads ~ this may be a Dream, but we always have to have Dreams~
    Have a wonderful week

  5. Your Images and Inventory always blow me away! I would over spend for sure!!! *Winks*

    Dawn... The Bohemian

  6. I can hardly contain myself with ALL THE CHIPPY GOODNESS & BLING!*!*! Especially Vamping over the smaller-sized ChiPPy-White & Rusty Garden TAble!!!
    Jeanine Burkhardt

  7. Hi Sue~~ THis is so strange. I visited Country Roads for the first time yesterday with my mom and we LOVED it. The funny thing is that I bought a really cool worn white shutter and it is from this space. What a coincidence:) I loved her space so much.. I could have bought EVERYTHING!! Anyways, I am going to be showing the shutter and talking about Country Roads on one of my next blog posts.
    Have a great day~~


Your words are always appreciated, thanks!