
A Little Bit of This, A Little Bit of That!

A rainy day Monday here in non-sunny SoCal! I know we need it, but oh how I miss my sunshine. I had a chance over the week-end to take quite a few pictures at Country Roads. I love the variety we have. I'm getting ready to put together a slideshow of CR in the next day or two. If you aren't on our "Email Express" list, just send me an email to. . . cradealers@aol.com with your email!   Here are some of my favorite pictures from yesterday!!

Be sure to check back tomorrow to see my post. The picture above is one of the wonderful displays courtesy of Debbie Watts. Tomorrow I will have all the great photos of her displays posted! Take care.


  1. Love those pops of red and the wagon planter! Hope the sun comes out soon! Ann

  2. I love that sign in the first picture and all the white treasures in the last picture!

  3. That first photo knocked my socks off.


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