
Vintage Inspiration Friday

I'm linking up today, although a bit late, with Debra for "Vintage Inspiration Friday"!  Today I have some pictures of my bedroom. As you can see, outside of loving the old stuff, I could also very easily be a beach bum! I don't live far from the beach, and there is just something about the tropical designs that calls my name!

I love the old vintage bathing suits. The old ones were made of wool, can you imagine?  And the life preserver looking thing actually used to be used in department stores for the Catalina brand swimsuits. On the left is one of my very favorite antique pieces. It is an early chimney cabinet, and it is in such good condition!

I love putting together little vignettes in my house. This one has a picture of my kids in Maui many years ago along with some other things I brought home with me that year. And actually, in the one photo, it was the first time Bryce ever caught a wave and could stand up and ride it into shore!

More of my treasures on top of a great yellow and green cupboard. Brande's first ballet shoes are on the right side and the "Hope" little box is a gift from my dear sweet friend Ruthie! 

This is what I use for the night stand by my bed. Actually it ended up being kind of "put together" combination. Originally, the old crusty metal stand had a big piece of glass on the top. Well, I somehow managed to drop it on the iron base, and thankfully was quick enough to get out of the way. I've had stitches before from breaking glass. Let me tell you, glass is not your friend! And as you can tell, I just can't get enough of my little grandkids pictures.

I used an old vintage fireplace mantle for the headboard on my bed. I got a piece of white wainscoting, and attached it to the opening of the fire place so the piece would be solid. And above the bed I have my favorite architectural stuff and shells, which I love. I live in Southern CA, and we DO get earthquakes from time to time. So, not the best idea for the shells and stuff above my head. But, I am already prepared. I can slide my head under the mantle!

I spend a lot of time in this part of my bedroom. I am in love with my vintage glider. I have rocked all three of my grandbabies to sleep on it. I think its the creaking sound of it that puts them to sleep. And I've got all my beach painting above the glider, including my friend Christie's! Actually the one on the top left side was a gift from Christie for my last birthday. She is VERY talented as we all know!

Above is an old child's dress form. They are really hard to find, or at least I never see them. It's one of my favorite pieces. And the pie safe I've had forever. It's got great color and I got it for just $200!

Another thing I love in my bedroom is the old beauty salon chair that my talented friend Maggie redid! It is so comfortable and of course I think it has always been one of Riley's favorite chairs. She loves to spin around and around in it!!

I've got open beam ceiling in my bedroom, so I can really stack all my stuff up high. I have a thing for the old vintage bathing suits as you can tell.

The green and yellow cabinet is the bottom of a stepback cupboard, a small one. It has great color and I would have loved to have the top piece. It holds all my junk and on top all my memories. And as you've probably noticed, I also have a few vintage surfboards in my room as well. Not your usual decor for a bedroom, but I believe in decorating our spaces with what we love!!

The only reason I'm showing you a picture of my big TV is because it has a story like everything else in my life. When my Mom died, she had a small life insurance policy she had taken out for me and my sister. It wasn't a lot but I wanted something I would always remember that gesture of kindness she left me. So, I bought a big TV that I love to watch in bed! I guess it was one way to always remember my Mom!

A child's dress form above with an old rash guard Bryce use to wear in Jr. high when he went surfing. It's a nice memory and kind of worked for me on the child's dress form.

More treasures that I love! None of it has any practical use except to make me happy!!

I've got a thing for old books ad soda bottles. I especially liked this book because it has the name of my granddaughter as its title. If you look close, you can see where the upper part of the stepback cabinet use to sit on the base. It has such good color and wear. I would have loved to have the top piece!

And lastly, what fits better in my room than a memory of a trip to Maui that Brande took me on in January of 2006! I love how the orchid lieu just hangs so gently and has been preserved to always remind me how important family is, and how much they all mean to me! Be sure and stop by and see Debra, okay?


  1. Hi Sue, I had to sit awhile & catch up on so many of your posts, being without a computer for so long, was difficult.. but Your Bedroom post was the perfect post to come back to~ I Love your bedroom, so many wonderful treasures to look at & admire, I Love, Love, Love the color of the walls & everything in it ~ Packed with Memories & that glider, I can just see you rocking those babies.... Thanks so much for sharing, hope you get a chance to stop by, I'm having a Give~Away....
    Have a wonderful weekend

  2. This is the BEST post! The colors, the antiques, all the family mementos...just wonderful. and the color of your walls is just like the ocean. I know this must be "so you, Sue"!! thanks so much for sharing your space with all of us! xoxo

  3. Thanks for sharing my first visit to your amazing space here. I know I am going to enjoy looking around and returning often. I look forward to engaging throughtout twenty twelve. Cheers SpecialK XoXo

  4. I'll have to share these pictures with my friend who's been dreaming of a beach house, she's going to love it too!

  5. Hi Sue,
    Your bedroom is just awesome!! I absolutely love
    all of your displays and especially the vintage displays of beach wear and paintings!
    I'm really crazy about that vintage red swimsuit on the old door, that's my favorite.
    I had no idea that swimsuits used to be made from wool, yuck! Itchy, hot, and scratchy!
    Hope your having a great weekend!

  6. Oh Sue! I love your beach inspired room! But you know I love anything to do with the sea! Gosh, your bedroom is huge! I love the colors in there!

  7. What a beautiful haven you created Sue! Loving your collection of paintings! So much to see, going back for another peek!


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