
Moving Around & Changing It Up!

For those of you that know Cathy from the Vintage Lady, you also may know that her store in Tustin sadly burned down right before Christmas. I am ever so thankful that I was able to offer Cathy a new home with our Country Roads family. Although she is just beginning to put her magical touches on things, here is a sneak preview of how her new "home" is coming along! Cathy is also out in our garden as well!

Right by Cathy, in our last building (which is my favorite because of the architectural detail) is Melinda Reyes from Albaster Rose. She has been at Country Roads for a few months, but was buried in the back corner of the store. I'm so happy to have gotten her out of the corner and into a great space so you can see her wonderful things!

I will have more pictures to come! Also, Ginny DeRosa just made a huge move as well. I just didn't have enough time to take some pictures! I love when everyone is kind of moving all over the store. Sure, it is chaos, but the end result is always the best of the best! I hope you get a chance to come in and see us. And Cathy, you can most likely find her here at her new home on most days ;0)


  1. I saw the new places and everything looks amazing. Can't wait to see more of what those talented gals are going to do.

    See you soon

  2. I'm sorry about Cathy's store!! but I know she will love being in CR. I recognize the brick wall, it made me think of my space! I also think that the third building is the coolest but the rest is pretty awesome too...of course!


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