
Back At It In 2012!

Here I am this morning gearing up for our brand new year! A special "thank you" to each and every person that shopped our big sale yesterday. We stayed busy all day, but even more importantly, it was so nice to see so many of our regular customers and have a chance to chat with you! I didn't have a lot of time to take pictures for my blog, but I managed to take a few so here they are!

After working so hard all week-end, I finally broke down and bought "my guy" and brought him home with me last night! I've admired him from a distance for some time now, but couldn't justify buying him. But since he was on sale yesterday, he is now all mine! In the next couple of weeks we are doing a lot of moving around at Country Roads. We've got some new people coming in as well. Many of you know Cathy Jarrell from The Vintage Lady. And sadly many of you also know that her store in Tustin burned down in December. I'm very grateful that I found some space at Country Roads for Cathy to join our Country Roads family. With her, she brings a great deal of talent and a loyal customer base. Also joining us mid month is Jeff Mack from the Silverado Trading Company. Again, he too brings talent to Country Roads and a good customer base as well! And lastly, my new website with our "Online Store" is finished! I tried to get it up and running with merchandise for sale in December but between being so busy at the store and the holidays I realized it was an impossible task to complete. My goal is to have it up and running by mid month. So, with all that said, I will wrap up my ramblings here with a sincere "thanks" for the great business you all brought us last year, and I'm so looking forward to seeing you all in 2012! It's going to be a good year!!

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