
The Dog Days Are Over!

My last post of 2011. The last day of the year with only a few hours left. Am I looking back with regrets, nope! Am I looking back with disappointment, nope! Sure, there are so many things that I wish had been different, so many things I wish I had more time to do, but, nope there are no regrets!

Why do I have no regrets? Because even in the toughest of days, in the hardest of times, I learned things. I believe that is why life puts us through difficult situations so that we learn and grow as individuals! The status quo has never, ever been acceptable for me, ever! I strive, I always strive to do my best. Sometimes times I don't succeed, but if I've given it my best shot, then I know that I have learned along the journey.  

What do I want for 2012 to bring to me? There is a song by Florence and the Machine that I love, and always play. It's called "The Dog Days Are Over"!  So, as I begin my brand new year tomorrow morning, I refuse to have any more dog days, they are all truly over. Oh, I know very well life will continue to throw its share of dog days in my direction, but nope, I'm over them, totally over them and will deal with them differently in 2012!

I wish you all a truly "Happy New Year"! Some of us wait till midnight, and toast the New Year! Me? I've got a big sale tomorrow at Country Roads tomorrow morning. I love to start my year off by working hard. So, as I get ready to fall asleep as 2011 begins to fade away and become a distant memory, I will remind myself that my dog days are over! They are done, they are finished, and I have a brand new year ahead that I truly intend to make the best ever! Happy New Year to you all!!


  1. It's still just a bit before the new year begins here in Texas, but I wanted to wish you a Happy New Year.
    Good girl...all regrets get you is wrinkles and grey hair. Trying our best is all any of us can do. Besides...we appreciate the sunshine a lot more after the storm...right?
    Blessings to you dear lady!

  2. Happy New Year Sue! Don't work too hard. Ann

  3. Happy New Year, Sue! I mentioned Country Roads yesterday in my last post of 2011. I wish you all the very best for the New Year.
    Happy New Year!

  4. Happy New Year Sue!
    I agree that nothing makes you feel stronger and better about yourself than hard work!
    You go girl!
    Good luck with your New Year and wishing you much success in kicking your dog days to the side.

  5. Here's to a year with no dogs days! Of course, that also means no fleas! I'm totally with you, girl! New beginnings and new tactics to tackle the obstacles!



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